Life in the Castle

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A new day was coming forth in the Vanity Palace. With the welcoming of Ryder and Lady Kamata giving him shelter under her castle, not only shocked the traveling mage himself but others as well. Kamata has never invited anyone in the castle to stay. Was it because he had saved her life from Honebi? Or was it something else? Who knows, only time will tell. In the Palace rooms, Ryder was sleeping peacefully and relaxed as ever. Sadly his sleep was interrupted with someone jumping on his bed. He would groan in his time to awake and there he looked up and seen a cute white bunny looking at him sleep while her nose twitching and sniffing him.
"Uhh.....Hi?" Ryder said not knowing what to say and the white bunny transformed back to Luna as she jumped and landed on his lower stomach and crouch making him scream in agony. That would surely make someone wake up instantly.

"Up Up Up Flute Boy." She said as she continues to jump on his bed with him laying on it.
"Agh! Okay okay! Just stop jumping on me!" He whined and Luna soon stopped tilting her head.
"Hmm? Flute Boy no like jumpy?" She asked in a cute innocent voice.
"No. No I don't like jumpy. Especially early in the morning." He said sitting up.
"This no early for Luna. This normal time." She said making Ryder groan a bit before he gently pushed her off so he could get out of the bed and change into his casual outfit. While he was changing in his changing room provided to him, Luna stood outside and talked to him.
"Kamata wants you Flute Boy."
"Is that so? That's why you were jumping on my bed?" Ryder asked with his back facing her.
"Yep yep yep. Kamata waiting now for Flute Boy." She said and he nodded as he was halfway dressed.
"Very well. Can you please go tell her I'll be right there?" He asked and Luna nodded saluting.
"Aye aye Flute Boy." She said before dashing off his room to go get Kamata.

Ryder was about done with changing into his clothes and pulled out a little green and gold locket with a photo of his family and stared at it for a while. Reminiscing the times he had spent with them.
"Don't worry guys... I'll avenge you all." He said to himself.

10 Minutes Later

Ryder had made his way to the dining hall after getting directions of where Kamata was at right now and opened the huge doors to see a lot of food once again and Kamata with Luna.
"Good morning Sir Ryder. Did you sleep well?" Kamata said smiling at the male and he nodded silently..
"Uh yeah. It was a nice sleep until a little snow bunny interrupted it." He said eyeing Luna who stuck her tongue out and giggled.
"My apologies Ryder. I did try to wake you earlier but you were dead asleep. So I let you rest for another hour before I had to get Luna to come wake you." She explained.

"Are...are you two always up this early?' he asked wondering if that was the case.
"Yes. It is my duty as Queen to be up and early." She said and Luna nodded agreeing with what she was saying.
"I...see." Ryder said as he sat down at his chair and Kamata sat on his right side and Luna on Kamata's right side.
"I hope you enjoy the food my chefs provided." She said with a smile she closed her eyes.
" think they overdid it a bit?" He asked her and she tilted her head at him.
"What ever do you mean?" She asked.
"I mean last night I get, they made a lot of food because there were a lot of other people. But now, it's just us three." He said.
"O-Oh. You make a point. But then again I didn't know what your palette was so I had them make every known breakfast dish and pastry if you're craving sweets." She said and the Male nodded thanking her before doing what he did again, getting a little bit of everything on his plate. Kamata wanted to do bad fill his plate up so he can stay energized and awake but she reframe herself from doing so. Luna however was not gonna let this food go to waste.

"Why flute Boy eat little?" She asked while she ate more of the vegan and vegetarian food provided for her.
"Does Flute Boy have small belly?" She added and he shook his head before explaining his situation.
"I prefer to eat little of everything because as a Mage, if you consume too much food it will hinder your ability to move, make spells and cast them at the same time." He said.
"I do not follow." Kamata said as she was interested in his life a bit.
"Well to break it down, when you're training to become a Mage, Wizard, Sorcerer, etc., There are some basic fundamentals you have to follow by in order for your body and mind to be focused on becoming one of those." He said.
"And each one of them have different fundamentals. Mages, can't eat too much. Wizards have to at least eat something strange once or twice a month. Sorcerers have to live in a isolated island or area for at least 5 to 10 years." Ryder continued to explain the fundamentals each Magic Class has to master and follow in order to become the next magic user. Kamata being so intrigued about this topic wanted to know more and more about his training and maybe more about him.

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