Chapter 9

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Rose, the boys, Petunia and Vernon finally arrived at the resteraunt.
Rose stood as she waited for the boy's to get out of the car. She did however notice Vernon telling Harry to behave as 'His sister was back now and she surely didn't want to be stressed out' Rose found this stupid.

Either way, Rose and Petunia waited for the three before heading inside the resteraunt. She stood and waited as a man rushed to get to the front of the resteraunt. He clearly was taking another family to their table just moments ago.

"Hello there, welcome. How many people?" The man questioned quickly.
"Five people please." Petunia spoke.
"Of course, I will show you to your table." The man smiled, grabbing five menu's before guiding them to a six person table.

"May I take your coats for you, ladies?" He asked, putting their menu's down.
"Please." Petunia spoke, handing her coat to the man. Rose of course did the same.

They all sat down, glancing at their menu's that the man had dropped off for them.
One issue that Rose had noticed was that mostly all of the food was made with meat products. She however was a Vegetarian.

"Aunt Petunia." She spoke up.
"What's wrong, Rose?" Petunia asked, looking through the menu.
"Not many Vegetarian options." Rose explained simply.
"How about a salad, some bread, fruit and cake?" Petunia suggested.
"That'll do. Thank you. Boy's what will you be getting?" She asked.
"I want a double cheeseburger with chips. Then a cake." Dudley said, quite rudely.
"Ah, ah, ah. Dudley. What is the magical word?" Rose questioned.
"Please." Dudley sighed.
"You may have it. Now, Harry what would you like?" Rose smiled.
"Can I have beaf, chips and some ice cream, please?" Harry asked.
"Of course." She smiled.

They waited as Vernon and Petunia took their time choosing what they wanted before finally ordering it with the waitress that had been going around the tables.

"Hey, Rose. You never told us you were leaving when you did." Dudley spoke.
"I had to leave when I did so I wouldn't be late." She smiled.
"Oh, alright." Harry spoke, clearly suspicious.

"Anyways, Uncle Vernon. You are still working at the same place, are you not? How has work been?" She politely asked.
"It has been fine. Although, my bosses wife, Demi still wishes to speak to you." Vernon explained.
"Alright." She nodded.

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