Chapter 63

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Rose got dressed in a simple blue, shoulderless dress and then brushed out her hair. A simple look.
Once she was dressed for the World Cup, Fred took her hand in his own. Fred of course had grown to be quite clingingy, but Rose had too, so the change didn't bother them.
As they walked, she ducked her head when Fred attempted to kiss her forehead, smirking as they continued to walk to the Stadium. They waved off the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry as they walked to the Minister box. She saw the minister and smiled.

"Ah, Lady Potter and Mr Weasley." He smiled.
"Hello Minister, how are you?" Rose smiled.
"Good. Your seats are in the front. Cannot have you two struggling to see, now can we?" He asked, they both nodded and sat down.

Soon, Lucius Malfoy arrived with Draco. Obviously, she guessed that the seat was actually for the mother, Narcissa and Lucius. However, since Draco was a fan, it was clear that they had swapped to entertain their son.

She enjoyed watching the match, despite it being small. The Minister explained how he was thankful so many Lords and Lady's had come to see the whole game and even mensioned the game Rose and Krum had played.
They soon however headed back to the tent, hand in hand as they walked. They wanted to spend time this evening with Hermione, Harry and then of course all of the Weasleys.

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