Chapter 20

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She headed out for her run, going straight to the Quiditch feild, grabbing her waterbottle from Annie as she rushed out.
She ensured her trainers were done fully before starting her laps around the feild.

She had done around 8 laps before noticing Minerva, watching her in the distance.
Rose finished her run with two more laps before heading inside, drinking some more water.
She changed into a white skirt and a tucked in green shirt.

She couldn't find Severus so she found herself in the Library, alone. She had read a few books before looking outside, it was now dark. Shrugging, she kept reading.

When Rose was finished, she headed out and down to Snape's chambers. She walked inside, instantly being dragged into a hug by Severus Snape.

"Where in Merlin were you? You've been missing since this morning!" SNape spoke.
"I went on a run." She shrugged.
"I know that! But you weren't running all day. What have you been doing?!" He questioned.
"I went to the Library to read. Guess I got caught up." She shrugged.

"Next time tell me where you're going before you go anywhere. If you get yourself hurt, I need to know where you are. Just because you have the bracelet, doesn't mean I can track you!" He explained.
"fine, I'll tell you next time." Rose sighed.
"Thank you. Now come, Dinner." He sighed.

They ate together.

"You didn't drink your milk." Severus pointed out.
"I know... It doesn't feel right drinking milk since cow's have made it." She shrugged.
"Almond milk?" He asked.
"If you can make it not look like milk." She shrugged.
"I'll ask Annie." Severus shrugged back.

Rose went back to her room. Taking a shower, brushing her teath, washed her face and got changed.

Rose then headed straight to bed.

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