Chapter 25

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Rose had been sent a letter around a day before Fred and George returned. Asking her on a date around the lake. She of course agreed.

However, as she was getting ready, Severus was outside of her bedroom door, talking her over rules that she would have to follow while out on her date with Fred. And how he would check in on her after the date to ensure everything was fine.

The rules started off with not letting Fred touch her. Rose wasn't alowed near the water. Ect.

She wore a simple black dress.

She sighed, braiding her hair into two French Braids.
She knew that Severus cared for her so she didn't tell him that she hadn't been listening. At this point, she was nearly 14 so she didn't really mind. Severus soon stopped rambling about the whole thing, taking a photo of her, He then let Fred take her a bit later.

Either way, Fred and Rose said Goodbye to Severus before heading out to the lake where they were having their date.

Their date did go well, and they did infact kiss. However Fred stated that maybe dating yet wasn't the best idea. They could date later on but it probably wasn't smart right now. But maybe later.

When it came to her 14th birthday, the school did seem to celebrate it but not many minded the situation at all.

She enjoyed school, but she was still mainly focused on ensuring her brother was out of harm. This didn't help when one night, she got back in the dorm from talking with Severus and was instantly dragged out by her brother. Right to the Forbidden coridoor and then down a tap door with a 3 headed dog on top of it.

Something clearly wasn't right... What was happening?

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