Chapter 45

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Rose woke up the next day, cuddling with Fred in a large bed. Either way, she remained cuddling with him, not really caring that she could spread out on the bed.

"Cuddle bugs, it's time to wake up. Get yourselves ready for school." Molly spoke as she walked inside the room.
"Mhmm... We'll be up in a minute, Molly." She mumbled.
"Good, Fred up." She said before leaving the room.

Rose sighed, sitting up as Molly left. Fred looked up at her, as if betrayed about the fact she left the cuddle.
"How about we cuddle in the train instead of being late to school?" She asked.

Of course, Snape came later to grab Rose and Fred. They had to deal with Rose's motion sickness but they got into the compartment, Rose having taken a motion sickness potion. it was a new one.

Soon George got in the compartment, followed by Lee who left a bit later also.

The trip had been going well for a while before the lights suddenly turned off. She sat up, confused.
The funny part however was when Draco Malfoy rushed in, shouting about the situation like a little girl.

When the lights turned back on, Draco left but it wasn't long before Neville rushed in, explaining that Harry had passed out during the dementors attack.
Rose shot up before rushing to the compartment, Fred running behind her.

Rose sighed in relief seeing her uncle Moony crouched near her brother.
She walked over and crouched down.

"Harry.. Come on Har..." She mumbled, patting his face.
Thankfully, that was all Harry needed to open his eyes. Rose helped him put on his glasses before grabbing chocolate from Remus, forcing Harry to eat some.

When she helped her brother sit on a bench, she looked at Remus, ignoring him for now. She kept asking Harry if he was alright.
Fred knew that with the rate it was going, she was going to need a calming potion, but decided against it for now.

When Harry was dealt with, Remus walked out of the compartment, closing the door before following Fred and Rose.
Fred pulled her to him.

"We need to discuss this. You seemed really worried." Remus spoke.
"Alright.." She grumbled.
"Calm down hun. I don't want to force you to have a calming draught." Fred sighed.

"Please, just get one. Harry gave me a heart attack." She spoke. Fred nodded, kissing her and then left.

Remus and Rose discussed it and Fred returned to give her the potion, which she drank.

"Take her to the compartment, let her sleep it out. I'll have snape come grab you both when everyone leaves the compartments." Remus said before leaving.

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