Chapter 53

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Rose spent most of her Hogwarts year studying for her exams which would soon be taking place.
One afternoon however, she was on a walk, around 2 days before she was turning 16. However, she saw the Golden Trio walking, or in Ron's version, running. She instantly shot after them. Right when she got there, she saw Ron being dragged by Sirius.

She glanced at Hermione and Harry before thankfully getting down the hole of the tree as Sirius pulled Ron.

Either way, she carefully rushed into the Shrieking Shack. She found the room with Ron before rushing over to his side. His leg had a large wound on.

"Dear Merlin... That mark will definetely scar." She mumbled, grabbing a potion from her bag. "Here, drink this." She told Ron. "Right... I'm going to cast something on your leg. I just need you to remain calm." She explained. Ron nodded, letting her cast the spell on his leg. She then used a bit of fabric from inside her bag to bandage up his leg.

She heard Hermione and Harry enter so she stood up, letting them see Ron. She then turned in time to see Sirius. She then cast a spell on Harry to stop him from attacking Sirius.

"Seriously Harry James Potter? No fighting adults." She told him.
"Sorry Rose." Harry looked down.

They were speaking about the situation, even when Remus entered. Hermione blabbed about him being a wolf but it continued about the talk. Which then turned to he Animagus talk.

"And one more unregistered in your own generation." Sirius explained.
"Rose, you didn't register?" Hermione questioned.
"Course not. It's a way of hiding from danger." She shrugged.

Suddenly, Severus appeared.
"Rose, here now." He told her.
"I'm safe, Sev." She sighed.
"Surely you're not trusting a ciminal." Severus eyed her.
"He's not guilty, Sev." She told him.

Without much, Harry had knocked Snape out, which she ignored for the time being.
They of course kept talking about Peter. Before long, Peter and Sirius turned the rat into him. Peter instantly begged Rose to save him, that he was still her uncle Wormtail. However, she ignored him. Saying they could use him as bait to get Sirius out of trouble.

They headed up and out of the tree, speaking about simple things however.... It wasn't long till Moony changed into his wolf form. Leading to Padfoot and Rose to turn into their Animagus forms to calm him.

After that night however, Sirius had gotten caught but was released by Harry and Hermione while everyone was in the infirmary.
She sent in the request for the Potter Ring's and then the application to speak to the Minister about Sirius.

When they finally finished school for the year, she would be remaining at Hogwarts, however she did remain at the Dursleys for an hour. So when the rings arrived, she headed straight to the Ministry of Magic.

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