Chapter 14

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As Rose was finishing her glass of water, other students began walking inside, talking loudly.

"Rose... Are you alright? Cedric told us you were experiencing a bit of motion sickness." Fred spoke as he and George rushed over.
"Yeah, I'm good. Snape gave me a potion and I've been drinking water." She explained.
"Good to know you're alright. But you're not in your school robes." George pointed out.
"Dumbledore said I didn't need to change." Rose shrugged,
"You need anything?" Fred asked.
"I'm good." She smiled.

They all watched the ceremony which as normal, was truly amazing.

Soon, she remembered that she was trying out for Seeker this year. Charlie Weasley had left so they currently had no seeker.
She could thankfully however able to ride a broom without puking.

Her Bracelet suddenly warmed so she put it up to her ear.

'Outside please.' The Bracelet spoke.
She told the boy's that she was heading up to the dorms and that she would see them later.
She left the Great Hall, waiting as Severus walked over.

"Yes?" She asked.
"You signed up for Quiditch, why?" He questioned.
"I want to be a Seeker, Sev. it will be fun." She grinned.
"I don't want you to get injured." Severus stated.

It took a moment for Rose to understand what Severus was actually telling her.

"You really are a dad, Severus. But I can asure you, I will not be hurt. The Weasley twins are trying out for Beaters. If anything happens, they're there to stop it and protect me." She explained.
"Very well. I will sign the slip to let you try out for Quiditch." He sighed.
"Shouldn't it be my Head of House to sign it?" She asked.
"Well, not in this situation. I'm the one looking after you for the year, and therefore I decide certain things." He explained.

"I should get going. I need to be up there before anyone realises I left early but didn't go to my dorm.." She shrugged.
"Just be careful tomorrow. If I hear you got knocked off of your broom during practice. I assure you, you won't be playing anyore." he told her.
"Yeah sure. Dad." She joked, leaving.

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