♡︎ 𝐓𝐞𝐧 ♡︎

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Upon entering the room i saw kylian passed out on the bed with only his trousers. His clothes are seen to be discarded on the corner and bedside. The over uptake of the wine must have had him pass out.

From where I stand i can see his cheek squished against the pillow. His arms and legs spread out on the bed occupying the bed almost entirely.

I went towards the bathroom and decided to do my daily routine even though my body is screaming to rest with every step i take.

Cold shower may bring a sense of calm and peace to my mind. I disregarded my clothes into the dirty pile and took a look at myself.

The cut on my cheek seem more visible and ugly. Some may feel sad or depressed about the situation but all i can feel is so much hatred. A dark feeling swirling inside me everytime I look at the cut. It's gonna leave a scar for sure. I'm going have to come up with an excuse to tell people how i got this.

I took a band aid from the shelf. A antiseptic cream should do the work for now. I placed the band on my cheek. It almost covered the half side of my face.

I rolled my eyes and hopped on the shower. I turned the knob and the cool water poured down my body releasing my stress and frustration all at once. I let out a small moan upon the sensation of the cold water against my face. It felt so good. Late night cold showers are really the best.

I looked down at my body and saw small scrapes and cuts on my elbows. Must be from how i got up with my elbows. Now that i notice, i can feel a dull pain in the point of my elbows.

Is this really worth it? I mean all i get from this is sex and agony, pleasure and pain.

I do not think kylian sees a future with me. I do. That's all I think about. I literally got into this mess by thinking that one day he'll accept me.

Now that we are here i dont think he's gonna do anything with me. There is nothing other than us having sex. We have not gone on any single dates. I'm always in his home or his training field. My life feels like autonomous and same.

Do not get me wrong. What i have is a one time opportunity and the one not everyone gets. He still give me butterflies everytime we are together like it's the first time. Does he think like this too? Like me? About us?

What am I even doing in this life? If he thought one day that he is done with me I'm done. Literally. I do not have a job. I cannot go back to my parents. I'll only have some money in my account that he gives me. I do not know what i am doing with this life. How did i even get here?. The 3 am shower talks are getting to me for real.

I pushed aside all my thoughts and got out of the shower. I took a pearl white towel and wrapped it around myself. Now that i think about it I did not take any clothes with me to the bathroom.


I came out from the bathroom and headed for the shelves aligned in the side of the room. My side was the one close to bathroom. I opened the door and ramaged through my clothes to find one to wear.

I heard kylian groan behind me. He must have woken a little when i shut the bathroom door. I continued to look for my clothes and found a coral colour top and shorts with black lace lining.

I pulled it from the pile of the clothes and started to dress myself.


What? What am I hearing? where am I? Did I die in the shower by splitting in the water and hitting my head on the marble tiles? Am I in a multiverse?

My fingers freezed from where i was grabbing the top. My eyes nearly bulged out from my eyes. My feet suddenly felt chilly. My eyebrows creased together to show my obvious revelation.

I slowly turned around to see kylian peeking out inside from the blankets. His eyes half lidded with sleep.


I got no reply and he turned his head to the other side.

What did i just hear? The Kylian mbappe apologizing?!

After some minutes of utter shock, i slowly made my way towards the bed and sat on the edge of the fluffy blankets.

Kylian turned his body fully to the other side leaving enough space for me to sleep.

I ploddingly placed my body on the bed inch by inch not wanting to disturb anything.

My eyes stayed awake staring at the ceiling. My fingers intertwined together on top of my waist.

"I said I'm sorry"

What? Again? Am I really dreaming? The god sure lives to test me.

My breathing got heavy for a split second. I was not expecting him to talk at all. What do I say to him? I was having an internal conflict. It's better to not talk.

I turned sideways away from him. He's probably talking because of the sleep. As far as i know him, he never apologizes.

It's probably the wine talking. He will not remember any of this tomorrow. But doesn't they say that we talk the truth when we are not sober?

What do I do? There's no movement from behind me. He must have fell back to sleep. I should sleep too. I'll ask him about this tomorrow. If i can that is.

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Hey! Sorry it took looong. I had exams and pretty sure i lost all my good grades. I took science and boy it's not easy at all😭😭.

This is such a short update. I couldn't come up with a long one and i did had an idea but it will take time and i have one last exam tomorrow and I'm heading to college after this!

I hope i can update frequently after tomorrow. I do have maaannnyyy entrance exams after this. I'm pretty sure I'm in for the hard and agonizing life after this.

Anyways thankyou for bearing with me. Your all soo kind! I hope you have a great day and love ya all <3

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