Rough Edges

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Sam and Camilla's house really was where everyone gathered, Caylee realized, as she almost drifted to sleep then was startled awake by a sudden and large splash of water as Tito and Maria's brother Joey, and Camilla and Sam's son JD both cannonballed into the pool at the same time, hooting and laughing. Camilla's younger sister Olivia and several of her teenage friends were stretched out on chaises on the other side of the pool, soaking up the sun.

Caylee preferred to sit on a chaise under the shade of an awning that extended from the pool house with a tall cold drink, and read on her phone. And, okay, drift off to sleep now and again.

Her first week at the law firm had been exciting but exhausting, running back and forth to depositions and hearings with first one partner and then another, and trying to get up to speed on each of the cases she was working on with them. Plus, the negligence law they practiced in personal injury and products liability cases was completely different from all the security regulations and caselaw she was familiar with from her previous job. Not that she was complaining. In one week she'd already seen more courtroom and deposition action than she had in her entire year at the New York firm.

What intrigued her the most, though, was the special assignment Jack had given her.  The first part was easy enough and, in a way, would be her cover for the more difficult part. She had been assigned as pro bono legal counsel to OFC, and her job was to review all their contracts, release forms, waivers of liability, and other day-to-day legal documents, as well as create any new contracts and forms that were needed. She also had to make sure they strictly complied with all IRS guidelines to maintain their nonprofit status. It was the second part of her assignment that would be a little trickier to pull off.

Apparently there was a cookout planned here this afternoon, and she wondered if Tito would be coming over.  Camilla and Maria had been in kitchen earlier when she stopped in the main house, putting together a large bowl of potato salad to chill, and baking cookies with little Sophia, while Maria's baby napped in one of those sling contraptions mothers wore. Caylee had never given much thought to having kids herself. Her own family life hadn't been a very good example, and kids didn't actually fit with a high powered law career at the competitive elite law firm where she'd started her career - well, at least they didn't fit  for women lawyers. The male partners at that firm had seemed to have no problem displaying photos of their wives and kids on their desks, but never actually spending any time with them since they were always at the office.

But she had to admit, she was already getting a slightly different look at work-life balance from what she'd seen of how Jack and his partners managed to work hard, win cases, and still make time for family. She was sure there'd be a lot of "shop talk" today, but the backdrop of families enjoying themselves together was kind of nice.

She'd offered to help in the kitchen, but they'd shooed her out, telling her that after her first week on the job they were sure she'd appreciate some time to just relax. So that's what she was doing.

Caylee had just settled back into her book when she saw Jack and Bailey coming through the side gate. Marriage certainly suited Jack, Caylee decided. He was still a killer in the courtroom, and had that edge that made opponents not want to mess with him. But on a personal level, he'd lost that playboy vibe that had once made him the most eligible bachelor in Miami, according to some magazine article. She liked seeing the way he looked at Bailey, like she was everything that mattered.

"Hey!" Bailey said as they approached her. Bailey was carrying a tray covered in aluminum foil and she set it down on the chaise next to Caylee and lifted the edge of the foil.

"Sample one of these and tell me what you think. I tried out a new recipe."

Caylee sat up straighter and studied the tray, which was piled with triangle shaped pastries.

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