Too Many Secrets

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"There's really no reason for you to be afraid to hear what I have to say," Eleanor said when Tito still hesitated.

He turned to face her. "I'm not afraid to hear about you or your family. I'm just not interested."

"You might be surprised at what you find interesting. At least sit down and let me explain. What harm could there be in that?"

The harm, Tito thought, as he walked back into the room, was that this conversation would dredge up all the old pain he'd tried to put behind himself. And of course anything he learned, he'd have to share with Maria. She was the one Bradford Thornton had gone out of his way to insult and threaten when they'd run into each other at a charity affair.

"I won't allow you to hurt my sister," he said.

"Well for heavens sake, why would I want to hurt either of you? You're my grandchildren. Besides, don't you think you both have the right to know about the past?"

"I try not to spend my time thinking about the past, because you can't change it. I believe in moving forward."

"An admirable quality," Eleanor said. "But sometimes understanding the past opens doors for the future."

She walked over to the cart, poured herself a tall glass of water from the pitcher, and glanced over at him. "Will you join me in this? Or would you prefer something stronger."

"Water is fine."

She nodded and poured another glass, managing to include a few of the cranberries and lime slices without splattering the water. Tito imagined she poured afternoon tea with the same delicate touch.

She handed him his drink, then took a seat on a small sofa, setting her glass on a coaster on the coffee table in front of it. Tito sat down across from her in an upholstered chair that was part of what he guessed was considered a conversation area, and did the same.

"Why me?" Tito asked. "And why now? I would have expected you to reach out to Maria. To assume she might be a little more receptive."

Eleanor studied him, and he met her gaze. Finally, she answered.

"I suppose I thought you might be a person who understands regrets." She lifted her glass and took a sip of water, then set it back down again. "Besides, your sister has a new baby, is settled into her life with her husband, and" - she glanced over at one of the paintings on the wall - "has launched her art career. I was reluctant to do anything right now to upset the balance of that life."

"What are you doing, stalking us?"

"Hardly. I've just been keeping myself advised."

"For how long?"

"Well. You do get directly to the point."

"I'm still trying to figure out what the point is." He took a deep breath. "It's not that I don't appreciate the contributions you've made to my nonprofit, but I don't understand why all the secrecy about the T&M trust."

"I established the T&M Trust - the Tito and Maria Trust, actually - the day I found out your names and the fact that you were both right here in Miami. One of the reasons for this meeting is that I'll be turning control of that Trust over to you and your sister."

He supposed it was guilt money for ignoring their very existence for all these years, and that realization made his words come out harsher than he'd intended. "I don't want your charity."

Eleanor only raised one finely arched eyebrow. "Really? For a man who runs a charitable organization, that's an odd sentiment."

"I think you know what I mean."

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