Lunch with Eleanor

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"I still think this is a crazy idea," Maria said, as Tito and Caylee got into the back seat of Ritchie's car.

"It's just lunch," Tito said. For the life of him he could not understand why Maria was being so damn stubborn about this. Every attempt by Eleanor to reach out and meet her granddaughter had been politely but firmly rebuffed. Finally, she'd come up with the idea of a little sendoff luncheon before OFC's sailing trip.

If Maria persisted in thinking he was twisting her arm to get her to meet Eleanor, well then that was just too damn bad.

"Lunch at her house," Maria said. "Why couldn't this wait until you got back from the sailing trip?"

"Because as soon as I get back I'm moving in with Eleanor, and I really think you should meet her now, not wait until the first time you come there to see me." He paused. "Unless your plan was never to come over for the next three months at least."

"What do you mean at least?" Maria asked.

"I mean, Eleanor asked me to make a commitment to live there for three months so I can get to know her and make up my own mind about what kind of person she is, and what relationship I want to have with her in the future."

"If any," Maria said, and Tito ignored her.

"If things work out, maybe I'll stay longer."

"With everything you've already been through, I can't understand why you are such a pushover for this old woman. You just believe everything she says, don't you?"

"So far she hasn't given me any reason not to take her word at face value."

"Easy for you to say, when you weren't the one who was humiliated by Bradford Thornton not once but twice," Maria said bitterly.

"If it was Bradford Thornton inviting us to lunch, I wouldn't give him the time of day," Tito said. "He's dead. This is not him."

"Well it's his mother," Maria said, turning around in her seat to glare at him.

"That's like saying I must be like Thornton because he's my-"

Maria cut him off. "Don't say it, Tito. Don't use that word to describe him."

"You know what?" Richie said calmly. Maybe you and Caylee should switch seats, Maria, and you and Tito can sit together in the back seat and fight with each other as if you're still ten years old."

"Very funny," Maria said. "Nice to know not even my husband is on my side on this."

"Maria," Ritchie said. "I am on your side. I just don't want you to have regrets later. This is an elderly woman, and she's your only living grandparent. What if you wait and later change your mind and she's not around any more?"

"Next thing you know she's going to want to meet Matty."

There was silence in the car.

"She did want to meet Matty, didn't she?" Maria sounds even more stressed.

"Of course she wants to meet her only great grandchild," Tito said. "I convinced her she should get to know you first."

"Hmph" was Maria's only comment.

"Well," Caylee said brightly, "I think it's a lovely idea for all of us to get together for lunch before we leave for Bimini. I think Jack and Bailey are bringing JB along, too."

Maria turned back again to look at Caylee. "Is it true that you and JB are moving in together?"

"I'm tired of living alone. JB is like my grandfather, and I don't think he likes living alone either."

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