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Tito stepped outside, stopping for a moment and resting his hand against one of the tall columns. Live here? Him? He'd told her he'd think about it, but he couldn't really imagine it. He much preferred the small apartment he'd taken over from Maria when he'd gotten out a prison, since she and their little brother Joey had already been living with Ritchie. Eleanor was correct that it wasn't the best neighborhood, but he'd lived in worse places and after eight years in prison he knew how to take care of himself.

Moving from there to an estate on Fisher Island was too bizarre to even contemplate.

Eleanor had said she'd call a driver to take him back to the ferry, and had urged him to wait inside in the cool. But he'd had to get out. It was another byproduct of the years in prison. The feeling, sometimes, that the walls were closing in on him, and the need to get outside and breathe fresh air and see the sky.

He had a lot to think about after everything Eleanor had told him. Maybe she was telling the truth. He didn't know. He'd have to do some investigating, since he wasn't going to just accept her story at face value. He also had to face telling Maria, and wasn't sure how she'd react. Her life was going really well and he hated to do or say anything that could upset that. She'd been through so much, and he still carried the burden of guilt that he hadn't been there for her. That he'd been sitting in prison due to his own stupid choices, while she'd had to leave college and be the sole caregiver for their mother. While she handled everything when their mother died. When she gave up her own plans and dreams to work two jobs and raise their half-brother Joey, who had only been seven years old then. And when Joey got into trouble at 13 it had been Ritchie, not Tito, who had been there to get him back on track.

It was guilt that ate at Tito in the middle of the night, and made him feel like he didn't deserve the good things that had come his way since he was released from prison.

He certainly didn't deserve a 10 million dollar Trust, or living in a mansion.

Tito looked over as the door to one of the five garages opened and a dark Bentley pulled out and then stopped right in front of him. The passenger side window slid down, and Chloe leaved toward him from the driver's seat.

"Well, get in."

"I thought someone was picking me up."

"I told Eleanor not to bother calling for a driver. I'm right here." She waited, and when he didn't respond, said, "So come on, what are you waiting for?"

Tito opened the door and got into the passenger seat. "Why do I think you have some agenda in driving me yourself?"

"Um. Intuitive," Chloe said. "I know why Eleanor asked you here today. I realize I haven't known her that long, but I was with her when she got the news that her son had died. And I know something about the struggles she was going through before that, trying to come to terms with her son's refusal to have any contact with you and your sister. She may seem strong but you don't know her. She's actually really vulnerable, and I don't want to see her get hurt."

"Got it," Tito said, narrowing his eyes as he turned toward her. "So you wanted to warn me off. Well don't worry, because I have no intention of-"

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all. And I guess I take back that comment about you being intuitive because you're really missing the mark right now."

"Then why don't you tell me what you mean," Tito said evenly.

"What I'm saying is I hope you will seriously consider moving in for three months as she requested, and getting to know her. She's not getting any younger, and you and your sister are the only family she has left. If you stay away out of anger, you might regret it later, and it could be too late."

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