The Dinner Guest

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Caylee walked into the upscale South Beach restaurant, and stepped up to the podium to give her name to the hostess, then saw Jack waving to her from one of the tables. The man he was seated with stood up and turned around, and Caylee felt the smile break out on her face.

"Never mind," she said to the hostess. "I see my party now."

Moments later Jack's grandfather enveloped her in a big hug.

"JB! Jack didn't tell me you coming to town," she said as she greeted the original Jonathon Berrington, Sr. Jack was the third generation to carry that name.

"We wanted to surprise you," JB said. "So tell me, Caylee," he asked as all three took their seats, "how do you like it working with my boy Jack here?"

"Granddad, you're embarrassing her. Besides," Jack said with a laugh, "she's hardly going to tell you what she really thinks with me sitting right in front of her."

"Sure I am." Caylee smiled. "Because the truth is, I absolutely love it here."

JB leaned in closer. "You can tell me the truth later. We'll have lunch."

Caylee laughed. "Honest. I'm serious. Moving to Miami was the best decision I ever made."

"Well, that's a glowing recommendation, for the city and the new job. Are you sure there isn't something else making you so happy here? A young man, perhaps?"

"JB. Can't a woman just be happy about a great city and a great new job?"

"Sure she can," JB said, patting her hand. "Now tell about the young man you've been seeing."

She shot an accusing look at Jack. "What did you tell him?"

"I might of mentioned that Tito Martinez was joining us tonight. And you seem to be seeing quite a lot of him since you got here."

She narrowed her eyes at Jack, who was after all the person who specifically asked her to spend time with Tito and, in Jack's words, polish him up. Not that that was why she'd been spending time with him.

"I thought you were bringing him along tonight," Jack said.

"No, you suggested I invite Tito, but unfortunately he had a late meeting tonight. He's going to text me later and maybe meet us for a drink if it's not too late."

"Tito Martinez," JB said. "That's your partner Ritchie's brother-in-law, isn't it Jack?"

"That's right."

"I met Ritchie and Maria at the wedding, but I don't remember her brother being there."

"No," Caylee said, "he was out of town meeting with some task force set up by the ACLU."

"That's right," JB said. "He's the one with that program for juvenile offenders. The one Bailey got the job at."


"Well, I hope I get a chance to meet him. Might be past my bedtime tonight though by the time we finish dinner and get back to your place. Speak of weddings, where is your wife tonight? Thought she'd be joining us."

"Bailey's at the same meeting Tito is," Caylee said, and JB laughed.

"Here I thought it was the lawyers that work those long hours, and I've got the two of you right here."

"We're making an exception for you, Granddad," Jack said drily. "Otherwise I'd have Caylee chained to her desk in the office."

Jack looked up, then nodded and started to rise. "Speaking of law work, a client of mine just spotted me. I need to go over over and say hello. I'll just be a minute."

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