Feeling the Heat

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Tito was thankful for Joey and JD's shenanigans. Because a plunge into the water of Sam's pool was exactly what he'd needed to cool himself off.

Hot damn she looked amazing in the little bikini. And she looked like she knew it. Which was fine with him. Tito didn't have any patience with false modesty, or the other games people played.

Long legs stretching out forever on that lounge chair, ending in feet that were clearly no stranger to pampering. They had a delicate arch that made him want to run his lips along it and find out if she was ticklish. Her toes were painted a shiny red that matched the polish on her fingernails and made his gut clench.

He wanted to trail his fingers over the smooth skin of her toned abdomen and slip his hands under that tiny bikini top that didn't do much to hide the breasts he knew would fit perfectly in his hands.

And if he'd kept thinking that way much longer he would have almost certainly embarrassed himself.

A lot of women would have turned away or made some comment about a man staring so opening at them, but Caylee had stared right back, her own gaze traveling over his body.

He liked direct. And he was already starting to like Caylee Chandler, probably more than he should be.

It's not like he hadn't had a woman since he got out of prison. There'd been several, all in the nature of casual hook ups. Fast and satisfying, and no complications.

Everything about Caylee Chandler screamed complications.

And he knew already that if he got her in bed, it wouldn't be fast.

Tito swam over to the edge of the pool and treated himself to another view of Caylee in her bikini.

"Hey," he said. "Why don't you come in here?" Not that he was planning anything with people around and kids in the pool. But he wouldn't mind getting a little closer to her in the water.

She pushed her oversize sunglasses down her nose and peered at him over them.

"This bathing suit isn't intended for swimming."

Okay, that was a hot fist in his gut as he imagined the fabric coming loose and drifting away from a naked Caylee.

"Why would you wear a bathing suit that doesn't go in the water?"

"Um, because I wasn't planning on going in the water?"

"Then I guess I'll just have to come out."

He pulled himself up over the ledge and shook himself off and was halfway to her when she tossed him a towel.

"Afraid I'll drip on you?"

"Oh, I've been splashed plenty already by the cannonball crew," she said, gesturing toward Joey and JD with her head.

Tito dried himself off then spread the towel on the lounge chair next to her and sat down.

He looked her over again. "I'd say it's worth it," he commented.


"The bikini that doesn't go in the water."

She humphed, and leaned back in her chair, sipping her iced tea through a bright plastic straw.

"Glad you approve."

"I'm looking forward to our drive tomorrow," he said.

"Well, I won't be wearing this."

"I can use my imagination."

* * *

If the man was any hotter, Caylee thought, there would be steam coming off him. She'd excused herself to use the bathroom in the pool house, and was now literally fanning herself. Wouldn't it have been interesting, she mused, if he had gotten up and followed her inside. She imagined hot kisses and what he might do with those hands during a stolen few minutes before they returned to the pool deck.

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