Let's Ride

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As Tito pulled his Mustang up the circular driveway to Sam and Camilla's house for the second day in a row, he told himself that this distraction was exactly what he needed to take his mind off the meeting tomorrow with the mystery donor.

He was probably making something out of nothing. As Jack had pointed out, there were a lot of reasons why the person behind a charitable trust might prefer to keep anonymous. But he couldn't help thinking there was some sort of agenda going on here. Since there was no point guessing, he decided to focus his attention on something much more enjoyable.

He was out of the car and around to the passenger side when he heard the sound of the gate to the side yard closing firmly. With a child Sophia's age living in the house, he knew Sam and Camilla were extra vigilant about keeping gates closed so she couldn't wander out into the street. They also had a child safety fence that rolled out whenever the pool wasn't in use.

Tito leaned against the side of the car and watched as Caylee came around the corner. She was wearing faded ripped jeans that he imagined had been constructed by a pricey designer to put the rips in all the right places. Somehow the glimpses of smooth skin seemed sexier to him than if she'd been in that enticing bikini from yesterday's cookout. She was wearing a white tank top covered by some meshy looking white shirt that he could see through, and white canvas boat shoes. She had a straw bag over her arm, and her long wavy hair was flowing loosely over her shoulders. He needed to get his hands on her more than he needed to breathe.

He imagined gripping her waist, pulling her closer, her eyes laughing up at him as she closed the gap herself and he kissed her for the first time. Dangerous waters, he reminded himself. Jumping into something with Jack's cousin – even if she was, as he understood, only related to him distantly and through marriage - and newest hire at the law firm could only end badly. So instead he made no move toward her as she approached him.

"You might want to tie your hair back," he told her somewhat curtly, when what he really wanted to do was run his fingers through it. And that's not all he wanted to do.

"Well, hello to you, too," Caylee said, and, yeah, her eyes were laughing at him, her lips curved in a slight smile. She had this way of looking at you like she knew exactly what you were thinking. Tito hoped that wasn't actually true, and yanked this thoughts back again from the direction they'd been heading.

"Caylee, meet Sally," he said, gesturing to the car, pleased when she looked it over in obvious appreciation.

Tito opened the passenger door for her and she slid into her seat, running a hand over the smooth upholstery.

"Nice to meet you, Sally." Then to Tito, "You have a problem with my hair?"

"If you leave it loose like that it will be whipping around your face," he explained.

She raised an eyebrow, turning to look up at him. "Maybe I like it whipping around my face."

"It's your party," he said.

"Actually, since I have no idea where we're heading, it's your party."

Tito walked back around the car and got into the driver's seat. "I thought we'd just see-"

"-where the road takes us," she finished for him, and he couldn't help smiling.

"So do you always like to know where you're going?" Tito asked as he pulled the car around the circular driveway and out into the street.

"Almost never," Caylee said. "Life is so much more fun that way."

* * *

It should be against the law for any man to be as hot as Tito Martinez. She already knew she wanted him. She just hadn't realized how bad she wanted him.

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