Chapter 11 ❥

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It quickly dawned on me and Leah that the team had no idea where we were or where we were going to be, but even despite that fact we didn't call or text them we just made are way back to the hotel where half the team weren't surprisingly stood in the lobby worryingly speaking with Jonás

I made eye contact with Beth and she let out a big sigh and gestured between me and Leah

"Look who's decided to arrive" she said

"Sorry we're late" I said

"Late ur way past late no one knew were you were we thought you got kidnapped or something" Katie said bringing me into a hug

"Who's gonna kidnap Two fully grown women at an art gallery" I laughed pulling away

"You never know people can be weird" she also laughed

"Where were you two" Jonas asked looking less thrilled then everybody else

"We just got caught up and lost track of time" Leah said to Jonás

"Well next time text someone because u were both gone for two hours" Jonas said

"Two hours!" I exclaimed "we were gone for that long"

"Yes and everybody needs to get packing if ur not already because we have to be on the bus ready to go in 2 hours" Jonas said to everybody before walking away

"So where were u guys really" was the first thing out of several girls mouths when Jonás walked away

"Art gallery" I said sheepishly walking towards my friends

"Art gallery for 2 and a half hours how good was the art" Katie said

"It was pretty good very intricate" I nodded

"Oh I bet" Katie said knowingly

"Anyway I've got a suitcase to pack" I said giggling and running away from Katie and her questions

"Yea me too" Leah said not far behind me, we heard the joking protests from are friends as we quickly got into the lift

"They definitely know" I said grinning at Leah

"I'm pretty sure Katie does but the rest of them I'm not sure" Leah said

"Oh come on we were gone for 2 and a half hours and we come back all giddy of course they know" I laughed

Leah also laughed at the obviousness of our 'secret relationship'

"Maybe a vague idea" Leah joked


We walked back into are pretty messy hotel room and started pulling clothes into are suitcases and cleaning the remainder of the room

"Hey Leah will u take my case down for me I really need to see a few people before I go"
I asked

"Yea sure who are u seeing" she asked still grabbing a few of her things

"Just my old team I wanted see them soon anyway and Now's the perfect time I mean competition over and everything" I said honestly

"Oh um yea sure i mean won't it be awkward tho seeing as we beat them and everything" Leah asked

"No it would never be awkward I was on there team for years and we've spoken everyday since I moved to arsenal" I replied

"Ok then yea don't be long tho because Jonás already has it out for you he won't be thrilled if we miss are flight back to London" Leah said trying lighten the mood

"My time keeping isn't that bad" I laughed

"Yes it it is your never on time for anything" Leah laughed

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now