Chapter 30 ღ

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I had never anticipated things were going to go down the way they had, It was never really clear to me what my future was going to look like and in the past month or so a simple thought like that had ended up being blown out of proportion admittedly by my own doing,

But now it was clear what my future held, within a team that I would forever feel supported by even through my wrongs and especially Leah, despite everything we'd gone through we had come out of it better together and it's not a dream that we were a forever kind of love and for that I was grateful

And now was a better time than any to show how I grateful I am, the start of the season, are first game we were against Chelsea, a team we had failed to beat time and time again and not to present myself with too much of an ego but last time around I wasn't fortunate enough to play all 90 minutes of the game but now I was better than ever and I truly couldn't wait

The feeling of walking into the stadium was one I never got used to nerves and excitement were often blurred together but the butterflies in my stomach were there nonetheless,

I had made a point to walk with my head up high like I was filled with a new found confidence which I sort of was, I was tired of being labelled as this over emotional - flawed but also supposedly perfect player that I was stereotyped to be, I was going to just be me without caring about people's opinions especially when they didn't even know me


Sitting in the changing rooms was an all to familiar waiting game that bored me to play but it did give me chance to just sit and think, to be calm, to not be in the headspace of a professional athlete which may seem to be silly but separating myself from the game even for a second gave me the time I needed to keep levelled

Patiently counting down the seconds now it was very nearly that time where we had line up and get psyched to get on the pitch and being here as a team fully United made that feeling not so agitating, the screaming of fans in the stands, the watchful eyes of the mangers , the opposing team we lost a championship too-

"You ready Bella"

Deep breaths; "yea"

Walking beside her cleared any remaining anxiety I had left we really were stronger together, as long as we were together I always felt okay

"You nervous" Leah asked as we walked side by side

"Not anymore" I smiled

She smiled back as we came to a stop when we were in the tunnel, Leah's hands subconsciously intertwined with mine the subtleness of are affectionate was idyllic, the way we also found are way next to each other and found are selves being able to stand in silence that spoke a thousand words

In this moment I new that from here on out we going to be okay, as long as we were together, as long as we were standing hand in hand.

The end.

Thank you for reading :))

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now