Love Interests

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IDK who to put as love interests so you guys can vote if you like. 

I'm crossing some characters out because yeah. I can.

This is filler so don't take things too seriously. Just a convo between Hina and Ayame about love interests. Only male interests, no female ones. Not interested in writing female ones.

"Hina talking."

"Ayame talking."

Let us begin!!

Ayame POV:

"Let's talk love interests." Hina started out of nowhere. I groaned and set a stack of papers down.

"Where did this come from now?" I question. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm keen on Shikamaru."

"I mean, I don't mind. He's always been there for me, it'd only make sense if I chose him." I replied in my mind while sorting papers.

"Yeah. Toshiro?"

"Definitely an option."

"Kabuto's hot."

"He's with Orochimaru-"

"I don't see your point. There is such a thing as enemies to lovers."

"I'm not falling for Kabuto!"

"We'll consider it in the future."


"Yes. Now hush, Kiba?"

"I'll consider it."


"I'll consider it."


"Cute but not my style."


"Respectfully, no."


"He's our Sensei!"

"Your point?"

"Our age difference is illegal!"

"Age is just a number. Then wait till you are older. And besides, you're not denying it."

"I hate you... but he IS hot. He needs more screen time in this story honestly. I'll look forward to it. Continue."


"Hmm, a bit too loud for my liking. Besides I was planning for a NaruSaku ship."

 "Looking forward to it. Sasuke."

"He can rot in hell."

"He kissed you and you like it." I hated how my mind replayed the memory, the sensation returning to me from that time. I blushed deeply and scowled. 

"And he can rot in hell for that."

"We'll put him on the 'consider' list for now."


"Moving on. Sai?"


"Look him up genius." I rolled my eyes and flipped through the pages until I got to his page. 

"Hot but doesn't know about emotions. I don't think I would go for that but I'll defo have some time with him and see how it works out."

"Ok. Now, Yamato?"

"No thanks."

"Understandable. Shino?"

"Not into bugs."

"Fair. Gaara?"

"I'll consider it."


"Cute but not my style."

"Right. Let's move onto Akatsuki memebers."

"Wait WHAT-"

"Deidara!" Despite myself, I picked up the bingo and flipped to his page. 

"Hot. Definitely on the consider list."

"AMAZING! Now, Kisame?"

"Sharks...not really interested."

"That's Fair. Sasori!"

"Hot! Yes! Yes!.... But it says he's a puppet here."

"We can make it work."

"Alright then."


"What in the name of mother nature-"

"Yeah let's forget that one."


"Tobi! Or Obito!"

"A million yes and you can't tell me or stop me otherwise."

"Hot is hot. Strong is strong. Enemies to lovers are coming fast."

"I'm actually really keen and looking forward to this one."

"Defo. Anyway, Itach-"

"Don't even think about it. He's as good as my brother. There ain't gonna be any romantic scenes for him, more like sibling love."

"Point taken. Hidan?"

"A bit crazy but He's fun. We'll see but not looking too bright on the romantic aspect of it."

"fair, we are getting somewhere. Kakazu."

"I- no. A thousand NOs."

"Understandable. Pain?"

"Hot but Yahiko is technically a corpse and while Nagato used to be really hot, I can't say he is now. Gonna have to pass."

"Shame. Orochi-"

"I'm going to murder him and the fact alone that you'd even dare to mention his fucking name in my pre-"

"I get it. Sorry. Moving on we have Madara!"

"The dude is centuries old. Hot as he is, I'm gonna pass."

"'Tis a sad day for us all."



"Hmm, hot. But not an end game love interest."

"I get that. (Anyone else I forgot about? Please comment here and I'll consider it.) Welp, I think that's everyone. Can't wait to see what happens in the future."

"Joy. I'm looking forward to it."

"I know you are."

"I was being sarcastic."

"Again. I can feel your emotions."

"Fuck you."

"Nah, you're gonna fuck them."


"I said what I said."

"....Leave me alone."




"I'm not-"

"I'm you."

"I'm done-"

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now