Like Two Ships Sinking in the Night

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"Did you really think I would give you what you wanted that easily?" the Queen asked the prisoner, still smirking. Then she flicked her hand again as she calmly leaned back on her throne. "Take him to one of my bed chambers," she ordered, "One where the windows are too high for any man to reach without wings. Leave him there to do as he pleases, but do not let him escape the room. And do not kill or maim him," she added. "I'll take care of this one for a while."

Sable couldn't see any glimpse of her face anymore. But she had the distinct impression that she was still smirking sharply at the poor man.

The guards moved instantly at her order and began to drag the man away through another set of doors. And all Sable could think was that he now looked like a man who'd suddenly had his life sucked out of him, leaving behind just enough air so that he could continue breathing. The guards passed her and her own "escorts" as they left. And, just for a moment, their eyes met.

His gaze was hooded, anguished, and defeated. And there was only the faintest hint of acknowledgment there to let her know that he'd noticed her at all. But, just as soon as their eyes met, they both averted their gazes. She could tell that he could care less about who she was; just another hapless victim among many of the Black Queen's. And she knew that she could do nothing to help him either.

She didn't even know if either of them would still be alive for the next sunrise...

"What's next, Raoul?" the Queen asked placidly, like she'd not just dismissed someone after promising him torture for who knew how long before he would be allowed to die.

And that was the cue for the minister to shakily gesture towards the guards holding Sable.

"Th-the g-guards have brought in ... one of your early tributes ... from one of the northern villages, Your Majesty."

The knights at Sable's sides pulled her forward with no warning whatsoever, practically jerking her off her feet. But she didn't particularly mind it this time though. For, her heart had started pounding anew like it was trying to escape her and leave her to her fate, while her legs had suddenly gone numb. She sincerely doubted she would have been able to walk if she had been given the choice. So being dragged forward this time actually worked in her favor ...

'Right. Small mercies,' she reminded herself, holding down a hysterical laugh. 

The Tributes (Sable)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora