What It Means to be a Tribute - Part 1

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"...How long is this training for?" asked Sable. Her meal had turned cold but she was still very happy to eat it as they talked.

"Three to five years, depending on the girl," said Everett. "Three is mandatory. But some wish to study further and specialize in certain subjects.

Sable paused with a morsel of bread halfway to her mouth, her stomach turning to stone. "Study...But I... I don't know how to read or write!"

Everett waved away her concern instantly. "Don't worry about it. You won't be the only one. They'll teach the ones who need it. Though, I should warn you that it's usually the ones who need to learn how to read and write who stay longer. Because it takes a while for them to catch up to the others."

"Will that... will that be bad?"

"Not in the least. I just wanted to give you forewarning that things might go slow for you, that's all. And that it will be perfectly fine if you are slow to catch up."

Sable nodded. It was a lot to take in. And also, she was not at all reassured. She didn't just not know how to read and write. She didn't know anything. Other women in her village knew how to cook or mend or spin, at least. Or even how to talk to people. Ivy knew all of that and had magic.

Sable knew nothing. She only knew how to hide. And how to read people to survive. But that was it...

She had no clue how she would fare here with this kind of training. And she didn't know what the consequences might be if she failed...

Everett was nice. And Sable found herself praying to gods she did not care for that Eve continued being nice to her, please.

But Sable also knew without a doubt that Everett was the exception, not the norm. Just like Ivy had been the exception in the village.

And while Everett might be fine, My Lady already scared her. And if she ever met the Black Queen – no, the Empress – again, she would likely expire on the spot from sheer terror...

No need for the Queen to even do anything either – Sable would just faint as her heart gave out and her soul ran away forever...

Sable shook that thought off for later and refocused on Everett.

"So...what happens after three years? Or five years? To the tributes, I mean."

"Depends on the girl," said Everett, motioning for her to keep eating. "Everyone is given the same training. But not everyone's alike. Some will marry into aristocratic families –" Sable did not like that thought at all – "Some will become ladies-in-waiting, either within the palace or in other aristocratic families. Some will become maids. Some will become scholars or administrators. And some will become teachers for the next batches of tributes."

Sable started. "Then – Was My Lady also...?"

"You catch on fast," smiled Everett. "Yes. Pri - My Lady was a tribute. One from the very first batch after the Empress took the throne."

"Oh..." That brought up another question Sable was a little afraid to ask – not least because she wasn't sure she could word it properly. But she had promised herself to take advantage of this person who was willing to answer her questions, so –

"MyLady... I mean... how is it decided what each girl becomes?"

Everett looked confused. "Like I said, every girl is given the same training, and if they want, they can study further. But at the end of it, they take roles based on what they are most talented at."

Oh no, Sable was going to have to be more direct... "I mean, is it chosen for the girl at the end? Because My Lady... she didn't look very happy to be our teacher..."

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