Everett - Part 1

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Waking up the next morning was the most surreal experience Sable had ever had.

She didn't know where she was for a moment. And other than waking up and being aware of having woken up, for just a moment, there was not a single thought in her head.

But then the room adjusted in her vision and the previous night came back in a rush.

Oh. What had been in that tea?

(And was it possible she would ever get more of it?)

Sunlight was streaming into the room, making the stone walls and floors look and feel much warmer and brighter than they had last evening. And she was absently becoming aware of the fact that her back ached a bit. Which was strange, considering how soft the mattress beneath her was. The softest thing she'd laid on before this was a pile of hay. But the difference between the two was miles apart.

Funny that her back had never hurt then but was hurting now, when she way lying on something so soft. Maybe she just wasn't meant for nice things.

The tea must still be in effect, though. For, though Sable remembered that she shouldn't be so relaxed, that she perhaps needed to get off the bed, she couldn't really muster up the will to be worried again.

"How did you sleep, dear?"

Sable startled, eyes falling on the woman who'd given her biscuits before. How long had she been there? What was her name? V-something?

"Lady Sable?"

Sable did jump this time, a little alarmed at the address. Surely that was a joke! What was she pulling? Was this woman angry with her? What was she supposed to say?

But there was none of the usual danger Sable knew to recognize in her face or body language. If anything, all Sable could read was hesitance and a strange, slight wariness. Strange in the way that Sable had no idea why anyone would be wary of her.

The woman approached the bed, and that urged Sable to finally listen to the voice in her head telling her what she should be doing – and immediately scrambled off to stand on the other side.

Which proved to be not a good decision as Sable's feet almost gave way under her and she stumbled, the room blurring a little as she lunged forward to balance against the cot.

A hand curled around her upper arm almost immediately, making her flinch.

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