Into Their Assigned Rooms

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Sable, whose mind had frozen a bit on the word "luggage", moved forward automatically as the girls in front of her slowly disappeared into a room each.

In a way, she had been prepared to be thrown in a dungeon, or be put to work as a servant, or even just locked up until they decided what to do with her. 

The village had spoken of the tributes being used for dark magic rituals that kept the Queen young and powerful, or being used as slave labor for the rest of their lives. And when this wasn't the speculation, all that was left was that no one knew what happened to the tributes once they were taken to the palace (because, certainly, none of the earlier tributes had ever returned).

And Sable had just taken that speculation at face value.

But, not only did My Lady clearly state that they were here for some kind of training, but a lot of the richer-looking girls had not even looked surprised when it had been announced. The Queen's words right after had also not sounded like she planned to practice black magic on them. 

And then, finally, as if a room of their own and a maid of their own were not surprising and confusing enough, My Lady had mentioned "luggage" being brought up.

So, not only did a number of the girls here actually know what was going on, but My Lady had also expected them to know why they were here.

Sable blinked out of her musings as her turn came closer. She noticed the terrified-of-heights, brown-haired girl from before ducking into a room before the door closed behind her. My Lady was supervising them all into the rooms now with obvious disdain.

Disdain that froze and morphed into surprise as the girl-in-pearls came next.

She was just about to enter the room open for her when My Lady stepped forward. Sable saw her eyes sweep her appearance from head to toe.


The girl blinked. "My Lady?"

Sable was suddenly filled with awe for this girl. She didn't sound the slightest bit fearful at being picked out like this.

But My Lady didn't look at all disdainful now. She, in fact, looked slightly flustered.

"You — you should have been in front."

The girl blinked again, notably surprised. "I'm sorry?"

"Very well. No matter," My Lady fluttered, sounding a hundred times more pleasant than she had so far. "We'll just remove one of the village girls from a room near the front and put you there."

"What? Excuse me?"

"Come along now—"

"Excuse me, My Lady," the girl said, suddenly sharp. "But didn't you just say that our place in the line will determine our room and that we cannot change it?"

"Yes, well. You are obviously more — You obviously are of better breeding than the rest of this," My Lady said, sounding placating while she indicated the remaining girls in the hallway.

The girl's tone turned a smidgen sharper, a saccharine sweet smile playing on her lips, "Forgive me. But I was under the impression that each of us will be given a room no different than the others."

"Of course!" My Lady agreed, visibly flustered now. "However, you might be more comfortable—"

"Oh, but how could I possibly be more comfortable putting you to such trouble? I'd be a terribly poor student if I caused you so much trouble right on the first day."

Until that very moment, Sable had had no idea that someone could be so contemptuous while smiling so sweetly.

"As you said, it's my own fault I was at the end of the line, after all. So a room at end of the hall is what I'll get. Thank you so much for your kind consideration, My Lady. But I couldn't possibly impose."

And she slipped through the open door and shut it before My Lady could say another word.

...A part of Sable now wished the girl had imposed, though. For, after a moment of ringing silence, My Lady's face became even more of a thundercloud as she supervised the last few girls into their respective rooms.

Sable, when her turn came, stumbled into her room as fast as she could, not wanting to provoke My Lady's ire any further. She keenly suspected that she would not like the consequences.

Then the door shut behind her, the heavy slam draping her in stark stone-cold silence.

And Sable was alone.

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