Everett - Part 2

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A hand curled around her upper arm almost immediately, making her flinch. And it took her freezing in that hold to not automatically jerk away and scramble across the other side of the cot to keep her distance.

"Easy now," came words in a surprisingly soothing tone, "just sit yourself on the bed now. Breathe, lass. That's it, good girl."

Sable complied, her vision clearing and coming back into focus, bewildered by the placating –and only recognizing it as such because Ivy had spoken to her like that a few times.

"You back with me? There you are. Good girl."

Sable looked up, still off balance by the words and tone. 

That was twice she'd been dubbed a "good girl" for doing nothing, and she wouldn't trust it at all... Except that the woman's hands were off her now and had been gentle before. And while the close proximity might normally raise her hackles, the woman wasn't looming or being threatening in any way.

"I know all this is a big change, dear, but can you answer some questions for me?"

Sable wouldn't have been able to say no even if she had been threatening or rough. But this... this softness... made her inclined to agree to anything. "Yes," she nodded, her voice coming out slightly cracked.

The woman smiled. "All righty, then. I'm Everett. Everyone just calls me Eve, though. Do you remember me from last night?"

Everett. OK. Sable should remember that. And she did remember her from last night, so she nodded.

"That's good, that's good. And... do you remember what happened last night?"

Sable rummaged through her admittedly fuzzy memories. But she was fairly certain she remembered it all: The cold room. Angry Brie. Then Everett who gave her yellow water – no, tea– and biscuits. And then everything had turned pleasant and hazy. And she remembered...a bath, cutting sheers, being warm by the fire, and then going to bed – or rather, being put to bed.


Everett looked a bit skeptical."Really? You remember it all?"

* * *


Eve: Do you remember what happened last night?

Sable: Yes.

Eve: I don't believe you at all. I have never had a more docile charge in my life!

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