An Unintentional Reaction

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"Well, said the woman," looking Sable up and down in irritation, "I've certainly got my work cut out for me. My name's Brianna. You can call me Bri. Good gracious, girl, have you never heard of a comb? First thing you'll need is a bath."

She strode forward, and Sable flinched back violently into the wall behind her, one hand pressing against the window.

Suddenly, jumping out the window and into that steep drop didn't seem like a bad idea.

Better than being alone in a closed room with this woman who didn't like her.

The woman stopped when she flinched and frowned. "Hey now. Don't be difficult. This will be easier if you cooperate." And then she stepped towards Sable again.

Sable, whose eyes scanned the room at top speed when the woman moved forward again, instinctively dove into the smallest place she could fit into: Under the side table next to the bed framed by curtains.


Sable's mind caught up to what she'd just done and stared at Brianna's feet from under the table with wide eyes. What was she doing? Hiding was not going to make her life easier!

But before Sable could stop herself, she started heaving great big breaths as big fat tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes. It was all she could do to just try to keep her sobs quiet.

" need for that," said Brianna peering under the table with wide eyes herself, "it's fine, really, come on out."

Sable couldn't. She couldn't stop crying, she couldn't pull herself together, and she couldn't move. And Brianna's higher pitch did nothing to calm her.

Sable heard Brianna curse profusely as she stood, her feet turning and striding in the direction of the door, and then the opening and slamming of the door.

Sable buried her face in her lap, still unable to stop crying. It would just be a matter of time before she was dragged out, she knew that. And she hated herself for making her situation worse by resisting. Hadn't she promised herself to notice what anyone in the palace needed and to comply? She had managed well enough with the Black Queen. So why had she ruined everything now?

Sable heard the door open and close, footsteps re-entering the room an indefinite amount of time later. And she tensed up.

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