Tea & Biscuits - Part III

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After an unknown length of time, Sable was sat by the fireplace, the lissome fire catching Sable's eyes as it danced gracefully with soft crackles.

She knew this was strange... Just sitting here out in the open, thinking of nothing... doing nothing but breathing and being warm and comfortable...

This was unnatural, unfamiliar... But...Sable also didn't want this to stop...

Before her mind could analyze this strange circumstance further, though, her hands were cupped around another warm cup of golden water.

"Is more of that tea a good idea? She already looks like she's barely there."

"It's a much weaker brew this time. It should be just enough for her to rest peacefully for the rest of the night."

"...If you say so."

'Tea,'  Sable thought, already drinking deeply, 'is that what this is called?'  She decided that she wouldn't mind if she only had this forever.

The world went pleasantly dim again, as did her thoughts... which, again, felt strange and unfamiliar... but also very, very lovely...

Once she was done with the tea, she found herself starting to doze. But hands led her out of the chair, which was a bit sad, because she was so warm and comfortable where she was and could have fallen asleep right there. But it didn't occur to her to resist those hands.

She found herself lying down on something soft – and her tired mind briefly brought up the memory of the bed she had noticed earlier.

Covers were drawn over her, warm and cocooning and pleasantly heavy. And from one moment to the next, she had sunk into a dreamless, heavy sleep.

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