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1. Reach for a cautionary note,

Before you take the vote.

That day that replaced the night,

Took from them and gave you a light.

2. Hair fair, eye blue,

It can be a clue.

Know the history, find the past,

Power may wake up at last.

3. She will go with the black one,

True friendship has begun.

The one forever, the one to the fun,

Darkness always clings to the Sun.

4. They are sure she is real,

The one hidden, this is deal.

They are confident, they are there,

They are bewitched that your words are fair.

5. Will it work? What is your track?

What is good and what bad luck?

If your trick changes its way,

Your plan will have to replay.

6. If they discover the two of you,

They will kill all of us too.

Their vengeance will cover the country,

Her family's blood they are hungry.

7. Think once more,

Her life, that is war.

You will be the winner,

Her life for a dinner.

Only those whose memories are worth remembering write diaries.

Actually, they are nothing special, but they have that beautiful magic that makes it impossible to put them back on the shelf. Revealing a piece of the soul of another living creature. Getting to know their innermost secrets and desires. In fact, looted knowledge is what attracts us.

However, fools are those who think they have discovered something they should not know. Every person who keeps a diary of their own life counts on the fact that it will be read someday, whenever.

This story starts like any other. It is about ordinary people who face extraordinary things. About normal behavior but paranormal abilities. That day I asked my friend what he would do if his whole life suddenly turned upside down. He replied that he would walk on clouds and believe grass as inaccessible as the sun. That he would sleep on the moon and devote his days to his favorite activity of sorting the stars. He would have left some where they were, as they are too bright and far away to catch. Half of them he would plunder into a big sack. I asked why? And he said: to show them to the people they belong to. Because half of the unfortunates do not realize what power they have. That their lights are these stars. They exist, but remote, undiscovered, and never used, they will slowly burn out.

Talking to him gave me more than months of preparation.

My name is Victoria and I was born on December 31, 1990. However, my life began many years later when I found out that I would die on December 31, 2008. On the same day, I started writing my personal biography in the form of a diary.

I run it with my death in mind, because that death will take place in a few months. Then and only then will this note survive. If it turns out that the day of my birth does not turn into a day of mourning, the pages in the diary would be the first to catch fire. But I know with all my heart that I will die that day.

For now, however, I want to reveal moments worth sharing. I have some difficulties with it, because it is hard to choose a hierarchy in describing more important and less important things. Especially if someone has a successful life. And I, believe me, have only happy memories. I am afraid the bad experience is yet to come, relentlessly counting down the seconds until it consumes me.

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