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When she returned home, the first thing that caught her eye was the absence of her grandmother. She was curious if Casper wasn't in the mansion too, so she immediately went to the boy's room. He was inside, and when she asked where Genevieve had gone with her wonderful pot, he replied that he knew nothing about it. Then, unfortunately, he began his reprimand, according to which he was waiting outside the school at twelve o'clock, and she wasn't there, and he had to find out from strangers (he exaggerated the matter, because he knew Nikolai very well) about her whereabouts. His words showed that Nikolai had concealed her meeting with the Council, and she didn't feel obliged to inform him about it.

So she trudged to her room, opening Victoria's diary for the second time that day. She came up with an idea that maybe the diary was blocking the text, that maybe it was necessary to open it again after a break, but unfortunately, the new, second note didn't appear. She looked at the first one again.

This story starts like any other. It is about ordinary people who face extraordinary things. About normal behavior but paranormal abilities. That day I asked my friend what he would do if his whole life suddenly turned upside down.

She perceived the world she had recently entered in exactly the same way. Like ordinary people who face extraordinary things, extraordinary events. They all seem to behave normally, but they are gifted with something special. Will her life turn upside down after learning the whole truth? After all, her life had changed completely, could it be even worse?

Half of the unfortunates do not realize what power they have. That their lights are these stars. They exist, but remote, undiscovered, and never used, they will slowly burn out.

Did she also have power within herself? For now, the only thing she was good at was connecting facts, finding answers to riddles, and solving puzzles. However, she couldn't completely solve the mystery of the mansion yet, and it was bothering her.

She put the diary on the dressing table and then picked up her coat to hang it in the closet. However, before she did that, she took her cell phone out of her pocket and a piece of paper fell out with it. Confused, she picked it up from the floor. At first glance, there was nothing special about it. A series of dots and lines drawn as if someone was bored during classes. Only after looking at it again did she come to the conclusion that it was not a random note. The dots and dashes were written too evenly, as if someone had arranged them with a ruler, measuring to make sure the rows were straight.

When she was a child, she had a walkie-talkie with similar stamps on it. These stamps were called Morse Code and in the past they were helpful in transmitting messages between large distances, such as oceans.

She entered the words "Morse Code" into the web browser on her phone. As she expected to see, she saw a page with an international code.

Excited, she reached for the piece of paper, wondering why the note had ended up in her coat. And she remembered - Nikolai must have mixed up the coats and put the note in her pocket when he was changing the papers from his jacket.

She looked at the beginning: T, followed by A. Then she had trouble with the next letter because she wasn't sure where the space was. However, when she discovered it was the letter K, she quickly finished the rest.

After reading the whole sentence, she had no doubt that the person who wrote it was not Nikolai, but Alan.


The meaning remained clear. Nikolai's task was to get one girl safely out of the building. Of course, she assumed it was about Arleta. Alan wanted her to leave the place because the Council was a threat to her. Were they supposed to kill her, just like Victoria? Or maybe May twenty-fourth was the solution? Maybe that's when they planned her death?

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