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1. Take this painting in your hand,

Let it guide you where you stand.

Though the clocks already have started,

their venom in the words is yet uncharted.

2. Red colour in mirror,

Expressive, but deceptively appearer.

Spots on the skin, flawless complexion,

Débutante reflection.

3. Two ladies, two like her,

Friends are always to concur.

One will attach her heart in an hour,

And other strengthen her power.

4. They conferred after greeting,

But suddenly stopped the meeting.

They discovered the coup,

A knife for her, and a whip for you.

5. Do you want an advice? Or maybe a tip?

You will get nothing but a sip,

Which one you will click,

Your decision what you pick.

6. On that steamy, summer day,

If the two of you met by then,

Nonviolence time will light,

Lasting only till a midnight.

7. And with midnight it will change,

Perversity will take a range.

And this idea that has occurred,

It might finally get you injured.

What is this?

It was the first thought that came to her after reading the stanzas. While she could try to convince herself that Casper was a hidden poet, she couldn't shake the feeling that he hadn't written the poem at all. But if not him, then who?

"their venom in the words is yet uncharted," she read the fragment aloud. "Their venom in the words... Whose words?"

She had no idea if the poem had anything to do with Victoria, but judging by both the content and where she found the piece of paper, it might have been about her. Whoever wrote it was addressing Casper as if he were describing a girl. After analyzing the second verse, she confirmed her guesses. The red color could symbolize the girl's red hair, and the spots...

"I don't know, maybe she had freckles? Oh, and here is about two girls," she was frantically tracing the connection between Arleta and Sandra to the third verse. "One will attach her heart in an hour? It can't be about Sandra, if anything I'd bet on Arleta. But Sandra and power? I really don't know..."

She gave up on the third stanza and moved on to the fourth. But she didn't understand the beginning, because, unfortunately, she didn't know who stopped the meeting, who were they. But did she really not know? Wasn't there someone who contributed to Victoria's departure from this world?

"Her murderer," she whispered, even though she was still alone in the room and didn't have to lower her voice. "But it clearly says they, so there must have been more than one of them."

The only thing she knew about the murder so far was the date it took place - New Year's Eve, Wednesday, 2008, and what her killer looked like. According to what her grandmother told her, he was supposedly from Romania, had dark eyes and a dark complexion. Casper also didn't mention the attackers in the plural, he said it was one man, although she sincerely believed that he was just deliberately keeping silent about some important facts. The unknowns are one thing, but if the poem is based on facts, it would mean that Casper should know the perpetrators.

"They discovered the coup, a knife for her, and a whip for you," as soon as she recited it, she heard the sound of the door opening from downstairs. It was Casper who had to come home and at any moment he would find her snooping around in his room. She felt sorry for leaving the note, which told her more about the household's past than the household members themselves, but she had to put it back where she took it so that the boy wouldn't notice the difference. So she quickly pushed the note behind the frame and then ran out of the room in a flash and, fortunately, she only passed Casper in the corridor.

"I was supposed to go to you," she lied, and the boy stopped. Even though she had seen him many times today, she couldn't remember him looking tired before. Of course, it was getting close to night and it's possible he was exhausted from the day, but he had very big dark circles under his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" she asked with a trembling fear in her voice that she couldn't contain. This new face of Casper scared her more than his "secrets". "Where have you been?"

"In the place where I lived before," she was more sure of nothing than the fact that he was telling the truth now.

Had he gone to Victoria's murderer? Or rather... to murderers?

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