Ch 3 - Ignoring Demands

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Being the ever so brave girlie that I am, I faced Six and told him what a mistake I'd made and begged for his forgiveness. He told me everything was fine and that it was nothing; that he completely understands.

That, is also a lie.

I ran like the chicken that I am. I got to the class so flustered that my calculus teacher was instantly worried about me. After convincing her that I'm fine, she let me take my seat, which Sunny had graciously saved for me.

Bless her youthful soul.

She passed me a note:

What the hell happened? Why do you look so flushed?

I wrote back:

I met Six.

She raised an eyebrow at me before responding:

Ok, and?

I waited a while before responding:

And I hit him in the eye with my calculus textbook before running away.

I take my blessing back!

The stupid girl burst out laughing, and Six chose that moment to walk into class, the shiner I caused starting to appear under his eye, which only made Sunny laugh harder. By now, even the teacher thought she was losing it.

"Miss Acosta, would you like to explain why you're laughing?" Mrs Ferret asked.

"I'm sorry Mrs Ferret. Miss Solano is an idiot," Sunny replied, wiping away her tears.

Yes, she laughed that hard.

"Please keep whatever it is to yourselves!" Mrs Ferret snapped.

"Yes Mam," Sunny nodded.

Throughout the rest of the lesson, I could feel Six's gaze burning into me. I knew that he was looking at me the entire time and I was super uncomfortable. I was grateful when the bell for the next period sounded.

"I wouldn't look so happy if I were you. We have all our classes with Six too," Sunny giggled.

"I hate you," I glared at her.

"I would love me if I were you. Just now I let you sit next to him. I'd like to know how that would go," she threatened, a sly smirk on her face.

Now I see why she's Cash's girlfriend!

True to word, Six was there for the last classes of the day. By the time the last bell went, I couldn't have gone to Nick's car fast enough. I watched as people approached their cars or their parent's cars, but my brother was nowhere in sight. I almost jumped out of my skin when there was a knock on the window. I rolled the window down.

"Yes?" I said, fighting to remain calm.

"Out," was all he said.

Can someone say caveman?

Nonetheless, I stepped out of the car, scared out of my mind. He's most definitely taller than Nick by at least two inches, which means he's all the more intimidating for me. He also looks very much Italian, which I find hot. I was leaning against the car, and my heart sped up when he trapped me against it.

I was surrounded by his scent. He smells like very expensive cologne. He didn't even say anything. He just had me against the car, looking into my eyes. I don't know what he was looking for. We were even breathing the same air from how close he was. I was just missing my inner wonder woman who would be brave enough to close the distance.

S.I.XDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora