Ch 16 - Zero

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I woke up alone. Despite whatever progress we'd made the night before, Six was still keeping some distance between us; like refusing to sleep in the same bed as me. He slept on the sleeper couch in the room. He also wouldn't fall asleep until I was asleep, so I don't even know if he slept at all.

"I don't care what the fuck you have to do Frankie. Find her before your brother does and I wont feel like killing you for your carelessness anymore," he shouted into the phone as I walked into the room.

He was standing by a window, and I was surprised to find sunlight shining through. I must've not noticed it because I was under the impression that this apartment had no windows. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist from the back. He stiffened but relaxed just seconds after.

"I'm not kidding Frankie. If he finds her, I'm coming after you," he said before hanging up the phone. He put it in his pocket, but he didn't turn around.

"Good morning," I said lowly, only to not receive a response.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," was the angry response.

I'm not doing this.

I let go of him and sighed, turning to leave. "Ok."

He didn't follow after me, and I didn't expect him to. After last night, I guess I'd forgotten that this is Six I'm dealing with. He's not just going to change overnight, and I'm ok with that. I went to take a shower before getting dressed in one of his t-shirts and sweatpants. My brilliant brother and best friends forgot to pack clothes for today.

I got downstairs to find him making breakfast. "Sit."

He hadn't even looked at me. "I see pushy Six is back."

"Wouldn't be me if he was gone," he replied.

"True! Mind telling me what's bothering you?" I dared to try again.

He raised an eyebrow. "And what difference would telling you make when there's nothing you can do to help? And not forgetting the fact that I'm not allowed to tell you to begin with."

"Code for 'I'm working on a mission and it's not going my way.' Got it!" I said with a smile.

He rolled his eyes but couldn't fight his smile. "I hate you."

"I hate you too Bond," I giggled.

"Bond?" he asked in confusion.

"Mhmm, Bond! You're the super secretive agent," I teased.

"Do you ever evaluate what you're about to say?" he asked.

I ignored his jab and instead raised my hand in that visionary way. "I can see it already- The adventures of Blossom and Bond."

That got a laugh out of him. "I really don't think you do."

"So what if I'm a little off the rails? At l-"

"A little?"

I pouted. "Shut up! I hate you."

"I hate you too blossom, but you're onto something," he said in thought.

I scowled. "I am?"

"Yep! You're going to help me with part of the mission, though you obviously can't know what the mission is about," he replied.

"I get to be a spy?" I asked excitedly.

He smirked. "Let's go with that."

"Yes!" I said with a fist pump. He shook his head with a laugh before coming over to kiss me.

S.I.XTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon