Ch 19 - Closure

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I have never seen Six in a fight before, but if he looks anything like he does when he plays football, then I am completely taken by him.

We completely obliterated Oliver and his team, and the sad part was that for about eighty percent of the game, it was basically his team versus Six. The boy moves faster than anything I've ever seen, and his aggression and fire is unlike anything I've ever witnessed.

"What the hell did we just watch?" I heard someone ask once the game was over.

"They call him Six. He's the best football player in the country, from the best high school football team in the country. Rumour has it that all the colleges are going after him," someone else replied.

"That was, I don't even know what word to use," I told him.

"It's what I do best after my job blossom. You don't have to say anything," he replied.

"Yeah, but I feel like I need to. You were freaking brilliant," I commented as our friends approached.

"He's also never played like that before. What on earth was that?" Wes asked him.

"You're so oblivious, it's scary. He was obviously playing for Elle's honour more than anything. Through this win, she's completely proven that she's better than this place and that she's moved on. He also got to prove that she's moved on to the clearly better guy," Sunny explained.

"And I didn't even get a kiss for it," Six pouted. I giggled before kissing him, making everyone around us cheer.

"Alright! Break it up. That's more than a father can handle," my dad came to break us up.

"I was so sure that you'd left," I commented.

Viola smiled. "We couldn't leave without seeing the game."

"And now we hear that there's a victory party, so our little vacation ends here. I expect to see you all back at the house by tomorrow evening," my dad told us.

"You want us to report in?" Wes asked in confusion.

My dad nodded. "Precisely!"

"Mr Solano Sir, I don't want to burst your bubble here, but we're the badasses of the town. Being friends with your daughter doesn't change that," Cash bravely said, despite all our movement behind my dad, telling him not to say anything.

Even Viola was in on this.

My dad stepped up to him, an intimidating look on his face. "I don't care if visiting prison is something you do on the daily. You will all report to my house by eight o'clock tomorrow evening. Do I make myself clear?"

Cash swallowed nervously. "Yes Sir."

"Good! Party responsibly and bring my children back safe," my dad said before hugging Nick and I. He and Viola left soon after.

"Man, your dad is scary," Cash commented.

"He's a shoe in for Director of the FBI. What do you expect?" Six deadpanned.

"He is?" Nick and I asked.

Six smirked. "You didn't hear that from me."

I was screaming happily on the inside. My dad has worked for the FBI for the past twelve years, and I know that he loves his job more than anything else after his family. It took a while for him to accept promotions in the organization because it's not about the money or attention for him. However, he mentioned that he wouldn't mind being Director because then he can truly make a difference.

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