Ch 11 - Comas and Rocks

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I woke up and I felt a bit dizzy. There was classical music playing softly around me. It sounded like a blend between a piano and a violin. I sat up as slowly as I could, and I looked around me to find myself in a familiar room. I was more than shocked when my eyes landed on that back that gives me chills.

Six was playing the harp.

A part of me wanted to burst out laughing at the randomness of it all because I mean it's a harp for heaven sakes (see what I did there), but I was entranced by how he was playing it. It's not an instrument you see people playing all that often, and yet here I was, getting serenaded by the damn instrument.

"I thought I told you that it's rude to stare," he said, not turning to look at me.

"What am I doing here?" I asked. The last thing I remember is having a nightmare.

In my own room.

He stopped playing and turned to look at me while the piano song kept going. "You got sick, so Nick and I came up with a plan to get you here without your parents asking questions."

I scowled. "And they fell for it? How long have I been here for?"

"A week," was all he said.

My eyes widened. "I've been asleep for a week?"

"I never mentioned your odd sleeping patterns. You've been asleep for three weeks. That's the reason why I had to bring you here," he replied.

"THREE WEEKS?" I shouted.

He deadpanned. "If you're going to freak out, I'm walking right out the door."

"Excuse me, but you cannot do that to me after telling me that I've been asleep for two weeks," I snapped. The stupid boy just shot me a scowl and got up, heading towards the door.

"Six!" I said, following after him, only to sway the moment my feet touched the ground. I didn't expect him to catch me in time.

"Must you always be stubborn? I was going to get One," he mumbled.

"How was I supposed to know that? I'm not a mind reader, and I clearly need to be one with you," I replied as he lay me back down.

"I have no idea why the hell you're so snappy with me, but since Sunny, Nick and Bridgette said I shouldn't hide my emotions from you, I'll be glad to let you know that you're pissing me off," he said lowly.

My heart leaped.

"Sorry," I murmured.

He didn't show any reaction to my apology and instead looked down at me. "Do you think you can lay here and not freak out while I go and get One so that he can explain how you got here?"

I could only nod. He looked me over once more before leaving the room. I sighed and turned to look at the harp that he was playing. I frowned when I realized that it's black. Normally harps are gold. Trust Six to have a black harp.

I scooted closer to it, and from where I was I could see an engraving with stones on it- S.I.X. Clearly this acronym means a whole lot more to him than it looks. I inspected the thing and it truly looks like an expensive instrument. It looks nothing like a typical harp.

"Believe it or not, it was a gift from a king. I didn't even know that Six could play the harp until then. I mean, it's a harp for heaven sakes."

I turned to see One walking into the room. "A gift from a king?"

"Six rescued the king's son. I obviously can't tell you which king. Anyway, apparently they'd gotten to talking and the king found out that Six actually enjoys music that comes from the harp, so they had this made for him from the rarest materials. The stones in the engraving are black diamonds. The harp itself is worth millions," he explained.

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