Ch 10 - Nightmares

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My eyes widened. "How come?"

"You'll come to learn everything about me at a much later stage, but I found out about them three years ago. They're the reason I moved here," he informed.

"Where'd you move from?" I asked.

"Not really a definite place since I moved around a lot before that. This is the longest I've been in one place my whole life," he replied.

"That doesn't sound like a nice life to live," I commented.

"It wasn't ideal, that's for sure, but I had to adapt pretty quickly. Like I said, life isn't fair. You just deal with it and you move on, or in my case, adapt and move on," he said.

"How come they call you Six? Don't they know your real name?" I asked.

"They do blossom, but they also know everything else about me, so they know that it isn't safe for the three of us to be overly familiar. I obviously want to keep them safe, so they treat me as though I'm just one of their favourite customers, and not their grandson," he explained.

"So they're you're grandparents?" I noted.

He nodded. "They're my mother's parents."

We got off topic after that and instead talked about general things. He told me all about his life at WPA so far, and all the things that had ever been said about him. He confirmed which were true, and which weren't.

"You can't go home," he said in realization as we stood outside the diner.

"Why not?" I asked.

"If you drive yourself there, how am I going to drive home?" he asked.

"I drive you home first, and then drive home," I recommended.

His eyes widened. "You mean you're taking my car with you?"

"Yep!" I nodded.

"But, but," he stuttered.

I couldn't believe it! Six was actually stuttering. He genuinely looked like he couldn't come to terms with what I was saying; like I was suggesting the vilest thing ever. I would've honestly laughed had it not been for how traumatized he looked.

"I'm not going to tamper with your car, or crash it. I promise," I sighed.

"This is hard for me blossom. I don't even trust Five or One with my car," he confessed.

"Well then, here's a new experience for you," I smiled.

He sulked all the way to his house. I wasn't even offended when he left the car without saying bye. I just laughed and drove myself back home. When I got there, Viola, Nick and my dad were all home. I parked the car and went inside the house.

"I almost thought you weren't coming back," Viola smiled when she saw me.

"Sorry! Went out for dinner with Six," I replied.

"Ooh on a date?" she asked.

"Nope! Just hanging out," I laughed.

"Aaaaw man! I owe Nick twenty bucks," she whined.

"You guys bet on it?" I giggled.

"Well yeah! He said Six wouldn't take you out on a date on a Monday," she explained.

"That's not really why this wasn't a date, but I guess that part makes sense too," I replied.

"I guess! So that means you're not joining us for dinner?" she asked.

"Nope! I need to do my homework before the girls call," I replied.

"Conference call?" she asked knowingly.

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