Wally Darling x Fem!Human!Reader

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|★|Clowning Around|★|

(Requested by: @Butterflymed) 

Your fingers intwined with Wally's as he childishly ran around the large carnival. Some sort of circus or something was in town, and Wally thought it was a great place to take you on a date. You weren't the most enthusiastic or energetic person in the world, but anything that made Wally happy, you'd gladly go along with.

He led you to one of the carnival games, passing several tall tents on the way. Examining a painted board that had been hung at the front of the platform, you narrowed your eyes. 'Ring toss' was messily written in chipping black paint. You raised a brow at Wally and gave him the 'are you really gonna do this' look. He grinned, nodding towards a bunch of plushies at the back of the shack. Your eyes sparkled as they landed on a small stuffed f/a (favorite animal). The person manning the shack smiled as he noticed you both. 


Wally handed you the tiny plush, smiling as he watched your reaction. You squealed, hugging it tightly to your chest. Ok. Maybe you were a little energetic when it came to f/a's. Wally chuckled. "You're adorable~" he cooed, pecking your cheek. You blushed, mumbling disagreements as you looked away embarrassed. Wally dragged you to one of the rides. You noticed it was a calm one; the Ferris wheel. You and him made it on.

Sitting in the small cart next to your lover, you looked out the window. The man pulled a lever and the machine moved. Wally excitedly turned to you, stars in his eyes. You giggled. "I'm guessing you've been watching those cheesy films again, haven't you?" 

He blushed. "Maybe?" 

You chuckled. Grabbing his chin, you pulled him into a kiss. You parted from him, giggling as he tried to continue the kiss by leaning forward. "You're adorable, Wally," you told your sweetheart. Hearts were in his eyes as he looked at you. He sighed in bliss, "Yes, but you're all mine and I can't help but love it~" 

You flinched as the ride paused to allow the riders to take in the view. Looking out the window, you gasped as the entire carnival came into view. The flashing lights of rides and kids carrying sparklers made your eyes sparkle. It was view. You looked to Wally. He was still staring at you, enjoying his view much more than yours. 


After going on several rides and playing several games, you were carrying several stuffed animals as Wally carried his prideful ego. "I told you I could win them all," he stated, full of himself. You rolled your eyes, smiling. "You're very good at winning luck-based games, I'll give you that," you chuckled. "I won you, didn't I. I feel like that was the best prize I ever got," he flirted. Wally laughed as you blushed. "You're such a charmer, Wally."

You looked up, hearing the sound of screams. A tall ride stood just down the road. Your eyes it up. It was The Fireball! The Fireball was basically just a circle that you'd ride on, but it was like one of those ship rides. It went up and than down, until it could go all the way around. Then it would go the other way! Yes. You went upside-down on it. "Let's go on that ride!"

You looked to Wally who–when following your view–noticeably paled. You smirked, raising a brow. "You look nervous," you taunted. Wally glared. "Wha-! N-no..." He sounded unsure, his voice wavering. You grinned, dragging him to the ride. You asked the person manning the ride to watch your stuffed animals and got into the seats with Wally. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead as the bar meant to keep you in closed on him. He tightly grasped the metal, gulping. You took his hand for support, squeezing it gently. He glanced at you as you gave him a reassuring smile. 

The ride started. 

Screaming. Wally was screaming. You were too. In enjoyment, of course. His screams were more of complete fear. "OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE," he yelled as the ride paused right at the top. "RelAAAXXXXXX-" You screamed as the coaster fell back down, going backwards. 


Wally heaved heavy breaths as you came back to the picnic table with some drinks. You handed him some lemonade and cotton candy. "That ride wasn't so bad," you chuckled. Wally glared at you, making you burst into a fit of giggling. He rolled his eyes, before smiling softly at your enjoyment ]. At least you were having fun. "I love you, y/n..." he sighed. You chuckled and pecked his cheek. "I love you too, ya big love bug," you chirped, hugging your partner and pampering him with kisses. 


*You patted Wally's back as he threw up his guts into a trashcan*

You: "Maybe that ride was a little bit crazy...heh"

*you rub his back comfortingly* 

Wally: "A little...*dry heave*...S-sure..."

*You both left after that*

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