Actor!Wally Darling x Actor!Reader

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(DW, I ain't gonna leave y'all again. I have motivation now–)
(Reader is gn, but they are more fem and wear heels in one part).
|♡| Second Chance |♡|

You were a very well-known actor/actress in the kid's TV show business. You were famous for your looks and excellent acting skills since a young child. You were actually very sweet. Well, to everyone but one person. Wally Darling was an ass to you since you lived on the same street when you were younger... it hadn't changed.

"You agreed to what!?" You yelled at your agent, seeing her flinch back at your loud tone. Normally, you were much calmer, but your agent just ruined your already horrid and stress-filled week with some... information. "Mx. Y/n, please! It'll get us more views!"

"I am not working with that overrated knock-off piece of..." You stopped yourself before you made a scene or lost your cool more than you already had. You couldn't be like him. Even if you were angry. It wasn't a reason to let it out on innocent bystanders. Seeing you were finally trying to calm down, your agent spoke up again. "Please, just give Mr. Darling a chance. This cross-over will give both of your shows much better ratings," she explained quickly. You huffed, listening only for a second before groaning. "Give me the fucking script..."


Your heels clacked satisfyingly on the smooth floors of the set as you entered the large room. Props were set aside along with several backsets for several different scenes. Your eyes scanned the mostly empty set before landing on none other than Wally. Like a halk swooping for its prey, as soon as you caught your sights on him, you made a bee-line straight forward.

The actor was leaning against the wall, sipping his coffee once before yelling at his poor employee and sending them off with the same cup. He glanced at you once before looking away... and immediately looking back. "Y/n," he greeted you with a sarcastically friendly tone, offering his hand. Your nose wrinkled as you narrowed your eyes. "Wally. It's... nice to meet you," you mumbled through gritted teeth, taking his hand. You gave it a firm shake before pulling away and wiping any gross-ness that was on his hand off. He gave a small, amused scoff.

"It's nice to see you again," he corrected you, rolling his eyes. You frowned, glancing away for a second. "Still an asshole, I see," you mumbled, making him grumble something under his breath.

You couldn't believe you had flown all the way to Hollywood for this. You had to be here for a one hour cross-over! That would probably take about 3 months. And knowing this studio, no breaks would be taken...

Wally sighed. "Well, just don't fuck this up or get distracted. This studio only hires the best. You're lucky to be here," he bragged, eyes landing on his shaky assistant. He gave a sarcastic smile before taking the new cup of coffee and sipping from it. The asshole sent his assistant away without a thank you, which you frowned at. "Their standards can't be that high. They hired you, after all," you snickered under your breath.

Wally glared, his face flushing from rage. He threw his coffee to the side, grabbing the collar of your shirt and pinning you to the wall. "Don't even dare sass me! I could ruin your life with the snap of my fingers!"

"Then why haven't you?" You huffed, pushing him back.

"Because I love you!" Wally yelled loudly, his voice echoing through the large room. Your eyes widened in shock as your jaw dropped. How? You hadn't met him for years! Wally's own eyes widen in horror at his confession. "Fuck– shit– no, I didn't-"

"You... like me?" You interrupted. Wally flushed in embarrassment. "Don't make such a big deal about it!" He huffed.

An awkward silence filled the room before Wally spoke up again. "Uh... do you like me too," he asked nervously. You tensed up, unsure how to respond. Did you?

Physically, Wally was an attractive man... but you knew how he actually was. He wasn't a nice guy. He was mean even to you, who he claimed to love.

"I'm not so sure you even love me, Wally," you sighed, making Wally's eyes widen slightly. "What would make you come to that conclusion!?" He shouted, almost surprised. You flinched slightly at his loud tone, and he backed off a little, but he still looked surprised. "You don't treat the people you love like absolute shit, Wally. That's not how love works. And until you fix yourself... I'm not even giving you a chance," you answered as calmly as you could.

Wally frowned, hurt. How could you think such a thing? He loved you...

...So he would try to get that chance. "Then... I-I'll change! I promise. I won't treat you horribly!"

"Or anyone else," you added.

"O-or anyone else...!"

You hummed, examining the actor's pleading expression before sighing. Eventually, you gave a small nod. "Okay..."

The young actor immediately beamed. He would have a chance!

And he would get you to love him. He couldn't lose you.

(Yes, this one is shorter. Lemon is in the next chapter. Don't worry.)

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