33. Playing with fire

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Ánh keeps playing with her food instead of eating it. She's by herself on the living room, watching the Vietnamese news. It's still early in the morning, not even eight. Usually, Rachel would be up by now and keep her company.

It's almost nine when she finally gets there, with her hands behind her back, hiding something. She tries to get Ánh's attention, but the girl either looks away, hiding her tearful eyes, or focuses on the news instead.

"I have something for you..."

Ánh looks at her and forces herself to smile. Rachel shows her hands, a beautiful white lotus flower, Ánh's favorite. Rachel hands it to her and a genuine smile now appears.

"It'll take time, Ánh, but your heart will heal," Rachel creates little drops of water and surrounds the plant with it, making them dance in the air.

"Thank you..." Ánh puts the plant down and hugs her, "I'm sorry about yesterday, Rach. I know it wasn't easy for you." She notices Rachel limping. "What happened to your leg?!"

"I... fell. It's okay. She was in a tough situation and needed your help. I just hope she knows how lucky she is to have you."

"She does and so am I. The Parkers are the kindest. Truly. They treated me as if I was a member of their family. Paid for my trips during the holidays and took care of my parents after my death. Abigail's siblings are amazing too. I miss them."

"Still..." Rachel sits down next to her, "they're the biggest supporters of the system as it is."

"I know what you mean," Ánh turns off the news and turns to her, "but none of it is their responsibility. It's their parents' choice. Rach, children aren't responsible for their parents' sins."

Aren't they?

"It always makes me laugh when I remember how me and Abigail met. Have I told you how?"

Rachel shakes her head.

"When I first got to the Institute, she was my designated welcoming student. Some older girls were mean to me, they destroyed my shoes..." Ánh's voice cracks, "she hit them with a broom."

"God, that woman has no limits! And they say we are the terrorists!" Rachel laughs. "Do you want to... watch our episode?"


Across town, Emily parks outside the Parker's house. Ever since yesterday that her social media is blowing up. Jade posted a photo of the two of them, holding each other, back when they were 16. The not-so-subtle description of what is truly yours always finds a way back resulted in an avalanche of reactions. Even a hashtag and video montages of Jamily's best moments.

Abigail welcomes her in, and they head to her room.

"Where are your parents?"

"China. Thankfully, I convinced them to let me stay here. Kateryna is probably reporting back to them."

"Have you seen the socials today?!" Emily's smile widens.

"What? Oh, yeah, sure, whatever. Emily, I called you here because we need to talk about something serious."

"Well, what do you think about it?" The girl looks at her.

Abigail sits on her bed, realizing that she can't avoid the topic.


"That's... that's it? 'Great'?"

"Emily..." Abigail sighs loudly. "You are too old to play games. Hopefully, this time it'll be it." Here's hoping this will-they-won't-they will finally be over.

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