37. Misfortune

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"Did you like it?" Abigail asks Aminu.

They have just come out of the latest exhibition of one of his favorite artists. She hands him a bag with a present and tells him to open it later. It's the latest hoodie from the artist's collection. She got one of the first pre-orders and it's autographed. He'll love it, she's sure.

They sit on the museum's gardens discussing the exhibition and Abigail looks around her. The peacefulness of the breeze passing through the branches of the trees. The sun touching their faces. Aminu's eyes glowing while talking.

She realizes how she took for granted these moments before. How she failed to appreciate her people too. Not understanding that the value of her life wasn't in major accomplishments but on the smaller moments of joy that she had on each day. The moments she created herself with the right people on her side.

General Lewis was right. Happiness isn't found.

"Can I hug you?" she asks when she stops the car in front of the dormitory.


"Just to... I don't know, celebrate this perfect day we had."

"That's silly o. We'll have a lot of other perfect days, you know."

"You're right. As always. See you on Monday." I love you.

Aminu opens the bag as soon as he enters his room and loves the present. It's the most special gift anyone as ever given him. He decides not to text Abigail thanking her, he'll say it in person how much he loved it.


"Lovely Saturday morning, my fellow citizens!" Rachel smiles in a broadcast, "my birthday is in a few days, and this year, my army really outdid itself. Bring the girls!"

Diego and Megan bring Emily and Rachel, with their hands tied, mouth taped. Both have a newspaper showing the date.

"Emily Roberts, and Abigail Parker, earned our enmity. Deviants who forsake their own kind in exchange of some commodities. Worry not, we'll take proper care of our vacationers here. Now, what do we want? Not much, just the Institute's dissolution... and new elections on our country. Perfectly feasible."

On the living room, they all clap. A job well done. Abigail chats with Ánh, and Emily looks around, analyzing every bit of the old house.

What have I done to my life?

Rachel asks them all to meet at the basement.

"Except Joshua Roberts, all the other who were there on that night are dead. Some in a mug gone wrong, others suicide, others in a fire, the list goes on and on," Ánh says.

"The police aren't connecting them?" Diego looks around in disbelief.

"There're no records of them interacting with each other."

"We'll keep following Joshua Roberts around," Rachel orders.


Meanwhile, on a four-star hotel downtown, the Council and their advisors gather. All but Thomas Roberts.

"This is a disaster," the president says.

"Truly!" Laurence Pierce shakes his head.

"This is the best thing that could've happened to us. Good things come to those who wait!" Edward closes his fists and smiles.

"I don't think that any of us are following you, sir," Saif says.

"They abducted the princess of the nation, and the Parker's daughter. Humans who had the misfortune of having a deviant child. They are extremely relatable. People will get scared. If they got to the most powerful deviant in the world, and one of the richest families, they can go after anyone. Now we just have to show the world, and especially our people, how violent they truly are."

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