34. A disappointment

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Rachel arrives at a bar near their place, walks in, and everyone recognizes her. There's a band playing and even the singer smiles at her. She needs to get her head off the past couple of weeks. She approaches the bartender, and a drink is given to her. A woman nearby smiles, and Rachel smiles back.

Ánh calls her and she steps outside to answer. Abigail needs help, her help, once again. Rachel closes her eyes, takes several deep breaths, relaxes her shoulders and in less than ten minutes, meets her.

"Can't stay away from trouble. Unfortunately for me."

"Trust me, I didn't want to see you again, either. Even prayed that you wouldn't show up when I asked for help."

Abigail crosses her arms and Rachel stands in a distance.

"Don't be angry at Ánh for helping me."

Rachel laughs shyly, trying not to attract any attention.

"Ánh didn't do anything behind my back. Our searches for this secret lab were going nowhere. This can be nothing, or it can lead us to find out more. Alex and Diego tracked him while you were too busy. It was a team effort."

"I'm sorry if I had to work!" Abigail scoffs. "Ok, good, then I don't have to apologize. What's the plan?"

Rachel opens the trunk of her car and takes out an expensive camera with a lens.

"Are you going sightseeing?"

"I'll find a spot to see what's happening in there."

"That's it?" Abigail's eyes widen and she smacks her tongue. "You're just going to take photos."

"What do you expect me to do, exactly?"

"Storm in there... literally... if you want."

"I can't do that, Parker. I have no idea what expects me there. Also, there isn't anyone to save. You said it yourself. It's just bodies. If I see anything different, then I'll do something about it. Right now, the plan is for me to go there and take photos."

Rachel closes her eyes and takes several deep breaths.

"Park near the Benjamin Franklin bridge. I'll meet you there. If I don't show up in, let's say, two hours... go home."

"No! You came here to help me. I won't just leave you." Abigail's voice breaks.

"I came to find out more about them. Parker, I'll only go there if we have this much clear. I can deal with the dangerous of the situation, but it'll be harder for me, if I'm concerned about your safety. Who knows if there's anyone else is around?"

"Shouldn't you call the Angel..." Abigail clears her throat, "... Megan Grant? Safety in numbers and all."

Megan would be a liability. Rachel has a feeling that she is about to watch something unpleasing. But to Megan, it could be triggering.

"No need. I'll deal with it myself. Most powerful deviant and all, remember?"

Abigail protests a bit longer, but eventually gives up and drives off.

Rachel slowly approaches the building, trying to understand which is the best viewpoint. She goes around, climbs a ladder, and finds the perfect spot.

There's no limit to your evilness.

One hour later, she parks her car near Abigail's, puts on a blonde wig and some hoodie. They sit on a bench by the river, people walk by peacefully, some for a late-night jog, others simply enjoy each other's company on the wonderful weather. Live bands playing in the nearby bars can be heard.

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