38. Evolution

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October 2017

"What ya want, eh?" Megan asks with a thick Scottish accent.

She pushes Rachel against the wall. They're on a dark alley, the moon's dim reflection isn't strong enough to lit Megan's face. To Rachel, she remains a figure only.

Rachel struggles to set herself free. Megan is four years older than her and Rachel only ever focused on training her abilities. Megan easily overpowers her, without hurting her.

"Sorry... can you repeat? I didn't understand any of it..." Rachel says with a mischievous smile and keeps pushing her.

"What... do... you... want? Why... are... you... following... me...?" Megan shakes her head.

"You're the Angel of Death," Rachel sets herself free momentarily.

"Don't know what ya mean," Megan steps back, "bye now."

Rachel smiles, raises her right hand, turns it blue and fires against a pile of trash that stands next to them. Easily disintegrating it. Megan's eyes follow the movement and then focus on Rachel again. She shakes her head and crosses her arms, facing the girl again.

"With your powers, Angel, and with mine... We'll rule the world!" Rachel forms a gun with her right hand and pretends to blow the flume.

"Don't wish to rule anything... Leave, child, before ya hurt yourself."

"Our kind is oppressed... and you... you for some reason! Have the power to end it. And what?" Rachel curls her hands into fists and stomps her right foot. "You go around pretending that it's none of your business!" She lowers her voice and shakes her head. "Why did you choose the power of life, Angel, if you don't live?"

"The world is better off with me death. What is ya big plan, eh? Killing everyone on your way to the top? Stunning!"

"My plan is to set us free from our restraints. Convince me we can do it without killing, and sure, we'll start the most peaceful movement in history."

"That... we can discuss. Megan. Don't call me Angel of Death again."

Rachel welcomes Megan into their house for the first time. There isn't much to be said about it, some coats hanging, not a single photograph anywhere, the stairs can use some work, and the walls need paint. Rachel shows her the way to a small bedroom and gives her some towels and fresh clothes and leaves her on the bathroom.

Megan took her time on the shower, enjoying the perks of a house, one that she hadn't been in for a long time now. Ever since that day, the one that destroyed her entire life, that she went around town, squatting, scraping by. Four years she lived like that. Completely by herself.

When she comes out of the bathroom, with a fresh Nirvana shirt and some worn out pants, her short ginger hair is already much healthier than it was when she got there. Rachel meets her and leads her to the living room, for her to eat something.

"Who's that?" Alex sits on the couch reading.

"Megan," Rachel takes some plates from the cupboard and grabs a few slices of pizza from the fridge.

"Why is she here?" Alex's eyes move away from hers and he goes back to his reading.

"We're in conversations to start a movement..." Rachel hands Megan the pizza and she takes it instantly. Eating it right away and almost choking on it. Rachel hands her a glass of water. "We could use your talent, Alex... and I don't mean just your powers. You have this skill that keeps you alive while others around you drop dead. This understanding of things that would be helpful to keep us alive."

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