chapter 3

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It was finally time for the soldiers to return to their families. Muhammad, although eager to see his mother, did not want to go back to the palace. He loathed every aspect of it, despising the hypocritical nature of the people who resided there.

He couldn't bear to stay among such individuals who were more concerned with tearing each other down rather than showing compassion, not even sparing their own children.

As he stood lost in his thoughts, his phone began to ring. A smile brightened his face when he saw his mother's name on the screen.

It was Sarauniya, the most important person in his life, his first and truest love. His affection for her surpassed all measure.

"Assalamu alaikum, Mama," he greeted warmly. "Wa alaikis Salam, Babana. How are you? How is everything going?" she inquired.

"Alhamdulillah, Mama, we thank God," he responded, though he understood that whenever Sarauniya called him "Babanta," she typically wanted something from him.

"Muhammad, my son," she called out. "I want you to come back home by next week, and don't make me repeat myself."

"But Mama, you know how I feel about the palace and the people in it," he protested.

"Son, whether you like it or not, you are related to them. So shut your mouth and do as I told you," Sarauniya replied firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Muhammad let out a sigh. "Insha Allah, Sarauniya, I will be back by next week," he agreed, swiftly ending the call without waiting for her response.

In Maiduguri, within the palace, Sarauniya sighed, setting her phone aside. She sat in her splendidly decorated chamber, adorned with shades of gold and hints of white, a display of royalty and opulence in every corner.

Jakadiya, her loyal servant, spoke up. "Your Majesty, forgive me if I may speak. Do you not think His Highness needs to get married? It is high time for him to inherit the throne."

"You are right, Jakadiya. However, you know how short-tempered and stubborn the prince can be. He only listens to me occasionally," Sarauniya replied.

"But I will ensure that he gets married by the end of this," Sarauniya said with determination "Go and call Hauwa for me," she instructed Jakadiya.

Hauwa, Muhammad's younger sister and Sarauniya's eldest daughter, entered the chamber with a warm greeting. "Assalamu alaikum, Mama," she said respectfully.

"Wa alaikis Salam, my baby. How are you?" Sarauniya replied lovingly.

"Lafiya, Alhamdulillah, Umma," Hauwa responded. "So, what can I do for you?"

Sarauniya smiled and said, "Masha Allah, my dear. I've noticed that Khadija has taken an interest in your brother, and I want them to work things out. When Muhammad returns next week, let her know she will be staying here."

Hauwa's lips curled into a delighted smile. Finally, her brother would marry her best friend, fulfilling her long-held wish. It seemed like the perfect match.

"Okay, Mama. Insha Allah, I will inform her," Hauwa agreed. They exchanged a few more words before Hauwa took her leave.

As Sarauniya contemplated her decision, a wave of doubt washed over her. Was she doing the right thing by pushing Muhammad into marriage? Could she be potentially tainting Khadija's life by arranging this union?

All she truly desired was to have her son back— the cheerful and happy Muhammad, not Captain Muhammad Waziri, hardened by the harshness of the palace and military life.

Meanwhile, at Amina's house in Maiduguri, Fatima had been staying with the family for a week. They had welcomed her with open arms, treating her with love and respect. Abba and Umma had even discussed sponsoring her education.

As Abba and Umma entered the living room where Mino, Amina's nickname, was watching a film, Abba called for her attention. "Amina, please go and call Fatima. We have something to discuss with both of you."

Mino responded with a quick "yes" and headed upstairs to find Fatima. She noticed Fatima praying and patiently waited until she finished. Together, they made their way downstairs.

Seated on the carpet near Abba and Umma, Fatima and Mino anxiously awaited the news. Abba spoke up, "Fatima, my daughter, Umma and I think it's time we start considering your education. So,we have discussed it with Mino and we have decided to offer you the opportunity to attend university."

Fatima's eyes widened with surprise and gratitude. "Oh, Abba, Umma, may Allah bless you both! I cannot express how grateful I am for this opportunity. It has always been my dream to continue my studies."

Umma smiled warmly at Fatima. "We have seen your dedication and passion for learning, and we believe it is important to support you in pursuing your dreams. We will do everything we can to make it possible for you to attend university."

Abba nodded in agreement. "We have talked to Amina about it, and she is more than happy to help you with the process. She will guide you in choosing the right courses, and finding accommodation near the university."

Fatima couldn't believe her luck. Growing up, she had always dreamed of studying at a university, but financial difficulties had always held her back. She never thought this opportunity would come to her, and she felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards Abba, Umma, and Mino.

"Thank you so much, Abba and Umma. You have no idea how much this means to me. I promise to make the most of this opportunity and work hard to achieve my goals," Fatima expressed earnestly.

Abba patted her hand gently. "We have faith in you, Fatima. We believe in your abilities and know that you will succeed. Remember, we are here to support you every step of the way."

Umma added, "We are proud of you, Fatima. Pursue your dreams with determination and always remember the values and principles that have guided you so far. We have no doubt that you will make a positive impact on the world."

With tears welling up in her eyes, Fatima embraced Abba and Umma tightly, feeling an immense sense of love and gratitude in her heart. She knew that this opportunity was not only a chance to fulfill her own dreams but also a step towards a brighter future for herself and her family.

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