Chapter 20

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Feeling lost and overwhelmed, Muhammad racked his brain for a solution. Then, a light bulb flickered in his mind, his friend Junaid Elrufai had a business branch in Beijing and might be able to help. With a sense of urgency, Muhammad dialed Junaid's number and explained the situation.

After the call, Muhammad decided to pay Junaid a visit at his office. With hope in his heart, he set out, his mind racing with the possibilities of finding Fatima with Junaid's help.

Muhammad was warmly welcomed before being led to Junaid's office. As he entered, he found Junaid engrossed in reading a document. "Kamar ba Junaidu ba,"

Muhammad whistled before greeting him, "Sannu, Elrufai."Junaid looked up, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of his old friend.

"Muhammadu Dan sarki! I've been expecting you," he said, motioning for him to take a seat."Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," Muhammad replied, settling into the chair opposite Junaid's desk.

Junaid waved off the thanks. "Of course, anything for you, my friend. Now, what brings you here?" he asked, his tone curious but concerned.

With a heavy sigh, Muhammad explained the reason for his visit, recounting how Fatima had vanished earlier that morning while they were out jogging. "I don't know what to do, Junaid. I'm worried sick," he confessed, his voice trembling with emotion.

Junaid's expression turned serious as he listened intently. "I understand, Muhammad. Let's get to the bottom of this together," he said firmly, his determination evident in his voice. "I'll use all my connections to help find Fatima."

Muhammad nodded gratefully, feeling a glimmer of hope within the uncertainty. With Junaid's expertise and support, he knew they would leave no stone unturned in their search for Fatima.

As Muhammad poured out his worries to Junaid, the latter leaned back in his chair, a playful glint in his eye. "So, za great captain can't use his connections in Beijing?" he teased, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

Muhammad chuckled, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly at Junaid's light-hearted banter. "I guess even great captains need a little help sometimes," he admitted with a sheepish grin.

Junaid nodded knowingly. "Don't worry, my friend. Together, we'll make sure Fatima is found safe and sound," he reassured, his tone filled with confidence.

Muhammad smiled gratefully, grateful for Junaid's unwavering support.

After Junaid playfully jabbed at Muhammad, he swiftly took action. With a grin, he picked up his phone and placed a call.

Shortly after, a man entered Junaid's office."Muhammad, meet Ahmed," Junaid introduced, motioning towards the newcomer. "He's one of my most reliable contacts here in Beijing."

Ahmed greeted Muhammad warmly, his handshake firm and his demeanor confident. Muhammad wasted no time, pouring out the details of Fatima's disappearance with a sense of urgency.

Ahmed listened intently, nodding in understanding as Muhammad spoke. "Don't worry, Mr. Muhammad," he reassured calmly. "I'll get started right away. I have a few leads to follow up on, and I promise to have some information for you by this evening."

With that Ahmed turned and left.

As they awaited news from Ahmed, Junaid and Muhammad took the opportunity to catch up.

Settling into their chairs, Junaid leaned forward with a curious glint in his eye."So, Muhammad, tell me about how you met Fatima, how did this cold personality of yours get hitched"
Junaid prompted, his tone laced with intrigue And Gulma.

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