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SHE SOBBED the whole way home. About halfway there, Brielle got an urgent call from Sam.

"What's wrong?" the younger Carpenter girl asked.

"Are you almost home? Tara and I got attacked by Ghostface."

"Oh my god, are you ok?! Yes, I'm almost home!"

Brielle rushed home. But if they got attacked while she was with Ethan, that meant that there were two killers. He couldn't of been two places at once.

She fell into her sisters' arms. "I should of been there," Bri spoke in guilt.

"It's not your fault," Sam hushed.

The sisters fell asleep on the same couch that night. Tara's arm was stretched across Brielle. They all felt safer together.

EARLY that morning Brielle heard the faint sound of knocking coming from the door. She opened her eyes to see the spots next to her on the couch empty.

Sam sprinted to the door, wary to answer it. She made the decision to answer in case it was important.

Brielle couldn't quite make out who she was speaking to but Sam then yelled her name. "Brielle!"

"Yeah?" A sleepy Brielle answered.

"Ethan's here! Says he wants to see you! And we're all meeting up in the park with the others in like twenty minutes, so get dressed!"

She only panicked when Sam said Ethan's name. "Um, can you tell Ethan to come back later? You know I'm just not properly dressed and I-"

Ethan entered the apartment, almost pushing Sam aside to get his way.

Brielle shot up from the couch nervously. She sat back down, cross-legged and avoided eye contact with Ethan.

The tall boy sat down next to her. Tara was getting dressed in her room, and Sam was eating breakfast that she made.

Quinn was probably still in her room, most likely hooking up with someone. She always was, at least whenever Brielle saw her.

"Hey Ethan..." she said awkwardly incase her sisters were listening.

Ethan waited until Sam was out of sight, and out of earshot. He moved closer to her. "Mindy's gathering us there to talk about possible Ghostface suspects. You are to be completely silent, understand?"

Brielle looked at him, fearless. Even though deep down, she was feeling quite the opposite. She wasn't usually the courageous type.

"Who's your partner? I saw that he attacked my sisters while I was with you last night."

He inched even closer. "Who says that wasn't me?" he whispered.

"You aren't that fast," she challenged.

"Maybe I am, or maybe it was someone else. I guess you'll never know."

Brielle sighed. "I'm doing what you want. Now leave me alone."

Ethan smirked, their bodies now touching shoulder-to-shoulder. She tried her best to not feel intimidated. Or even flustered.

"What if I don't want to?" he said.

Brielle looked at him in disgust. "You're insane, Ethan."

"And you're not?"

He knew what she did back in Woodsboro.

"No, I'm not."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Sam and Tara entered the room. "I've got to go get changed," Brielle said, in a hurry to get away from Ethan.

She put on a cute crop top and a nice jacket to go along with it, and she brushed her blonde hair. She never wanted to go back out there if it meant being around Ethan. But she had to.

When she walked out of her room, Ethan looked her up and down. "Everyone ready to go meet the others?" Sam asked.

Quinn now stood beside Tara, and everyone nodded in response to Sam.

Ethan grabbed  Brielle's hand and followed the others.  Tara shot a quick glance at her sister and then looked Ethan in the eyes. "I didn't know you and Bri were close."

Ethan shot Brielle a smirk. "Yeah, Bri and I are pretty close."

Brielle felt trapped as he guided her to the park with the others. But whenever she heard his voice, or saw his smirk she couldn't help but want him.

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