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THE GROUP entered a movie theater that was reformed to be a shrine of Ghostface and the Stab movie franchise.

Brielle whispered to her sisters, "I don't like this."

Tara nodded in agreement. Sam was still stunned looking at all of the display cases full of real things from the Ghostface murders.

Aside from Gale, Kirby Reed, the former Ghostface survivor and FBI agent had joined them.

Ethan kept looking over at her nervously.

Tara and Sam went to examine Billy Loomis's display, and Ethan immediately was at Brielle's side again.

"Can't you stay away for at least a minute? Or is that too hard?" she snapped.

"You know that it's a little hard to stay away from you, sweetheart.

Brielle wanted to tell him how disgusting he was and to get away from her, but instead she just blushed. Because as much as she wanted to hate him more than anyone, she was attracted to him.

She went to her own display case form last year's murders and she saw some of her own belongings.

Ethan followed. "Your own display case, huh?"

"Mhm," she said, partially ignoring him while moving onto Amber's display case.

He pushed himself in front of her, so she could only see him. "Are you ignoring me?" he whispered.

"No," Brielle replied softly and calmly.

Ethan stroked her shoulder, as she looked at Amber's bloody clothes. She shivered a bit when he ran his hand along her back.

"You all have been through so much," Detective Bailey said.

Any of them could say that's true. Brielle knew she never wanted any of this for herself or her sisters.

She wasn't sure if she was protecting them or hurting them by keeping Ethan's secret. He was going to try and kill them either way.

It was a loose-loose.

Tara came over to her sister, eyeing Ethan for being so close to her sister. "I have an idea. We've just got to tell Kirby and the Detective."

Brielle could tell that Ethan was trying his hardest to listen in on their conversation. Brielle shifted over a bit so Ethan couldn't hear as well.

She liked the sound of Tara's plan, but if the only killer was Ethan, it wouldn't work.

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