Asad is acting different.

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(Rahma's pov)

For the first time, I woke up feeling surprisingly comfortable. My body wasn't aching as usual, and I received no hot slap, and neither did my spider friends wake me in the most thoughtful way.

And that's when realization drawn to me that I wasn't in the same house, and so many things happened yesterday.

I looked over to the wall clock to see that it was already 10:00am in the morning.

I slept for that long?, I made my way out of bed and quickly arranged the bed, I almost made my way downstairs to start some house chores when I realized that I was in a different hours now.

Well, what can I say? When you've been treated as a maid almost all your life, this is the effect.

Soon, someone walked into the room, and looking closely, I recognized the face as Aleena's face.

She came over to me and said.

"Good morning. How are you feeling now?"

"Much better than yesterday, thank you." I said to her.

At first, I was surprised to find out that Aleena and Asif are siblings, but now that she's standing really close to me, I can see that they have similar features.

Aleena brought some clothes for me and other necessities I needed to use and take a bath and change.

I came out, and she handed me a stirrup trouser and a black top with a simple hijab.

After getting dressed, Aleena looked at me and said.

"You look beautiful." Which made me blush because I don't really hear that much.

"Thank you." Was all I said.

After conversing for a few minutes, Aleena guided me downstairs, and I was welcomed with the glare of a boy who looked like Aleena and Asif.

"Assalamualaikum." I greeted him in a shy tone while lowering my gaze.

But he just walked away.

Well, that was rude. Maybe he was about to pee on his pants, so he had to walk out.

We were walking with Aleena towards the dining room when I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the couch and watching some documentary.

"Salama'alaikum," I said to the man, while he looked over to me and just gave me a little smile and nod before replying.

"Wa'alaikumusalam." He said, which actually made me feel happy?.

Aleena was very friendly serving me breakfast and keeping me company.

Though I kept wondering where Asif was.

"Don't tell me you miss my brother that much already?" She said in a teasing tone.

"W-what?" I asked while blushing in embarrassment.

"It's very obvious cause you've been looking all over, and you're literally blushing like a red tomato," she said a little too loudly, making me blush more in embarrassment.

"You're loud." I said while glaring at her.

"Okay, fine, anyways, I think I saw him talking to ummi before I left." Aleena said.

"Can we go look for him? I need him to take me back home." I said in a pleading tone.

"Of course we can." She said as we stood up to look for him.

The guy who was glaring at me with daggers came to pass us as we walked, and I didn't notice his presence or his phone that he was typing away in when I bumped into him.

Somehow, I felt something bad was about to happen.

Slowly, I looked up to apologize just to be met with a face that's about to explode, I was about to apologize when he beat me to speaking.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you?!" He asked while yelling at me in a scary voice.

And a lot of people have yelled at me before but trust me it was nothing compared to this, it was like he's been holding his anger and he just exploded.

I gulped as I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said in a quiet voice.

"It was an accident Asad." Aleena said.
So that's his name, Asad.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't see you coming." I said not wanting to get on more people's bad side.

"Ofcourse you didn't cause apparently your eyes are as black and blurry like your skin color." He said in a voice full of hatred.

Excuse me?, No excuse him, what did he just say.

That's it I was done listening to people insult me or make me feel insecure, I was about to talk back at him when a voice too familiar beat me to it.

"Talk about her colour one more time and I'll make sure you don't use your tongue again" Asif said in a dark tone.

"This is getting out of control, everyone should calm down before we do something we regret." Aleena said.

Asif walked over to stand next to me and held my hand in a protective way, that little action made my heart to flip in excitement though we weren't in the best situation now.

Asif turned around as he dragged me away, but we bearly made it far when Asad said.

"You'll eventually realize that's she's bad news Asif."

Asif was about to turn back when I tugged at his hand and pulled him away.

We were far from where I saw asif's father so I was glad that he didn't witness what just happened.

I took Asif back to the room I came out from and as soon as I closed the door he said.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't do anything." I said.

"Asad is not like that, he's just been acting off since morning." He said in a frustrating tone.

"Can you please take me back home." I said in a soft home.

"Are you sure you're ready to go back." Asif asked in a concerned tone and I couldn't help but smile at how caring he is towards me.

"Yes, I'm sure." I said to him.

After that we went to meet with asif's mother so I could thank her for having me and taking care of me.

I mean not everyone takes a black into their home and treats them warmly without being scared that the black will pull the trigger any minute.

I also bid goodbye to Aleena and apologized to Asad on last time although he didn't really look at me but hey, no hard feelings.

It's short, but 🤷 thanks for reading.
I'll make the next chapter better inshAllah.
But don't forget to like and comment.

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