I promise

31 9 5

(Ibrahim's pov)

I was in front of the ice cream vendor when rahma called me.

She sounded hurt, like she was in pain and just the thought of something bad happening to her scared the shit out of me.

I quickly made my way towards my car and drove out of the mall as I sent a text to my mum telling her something urgent came up and I had to go back.

Luckily Musa, came with us and he also brought his car so he'll probably take them back home.

I drove as fast as I could as I made my way towards the mansion

Once I arrived I quickly got of of the car and made my way towards the house.

The house was dead silent which was understandable considering the fact that only rahma and granddad are at home.

I made my way up the stairs as I entered Rahma's room.

"Rahma?" I called out to her but didn't receive any response and I called her name three more times and still no reply.

I was about to go and check the whole house when I decide to call her first.

And after calling I heard her. Ring tone coming from the toilet.

I quickly made my way towards the bathroom and barged through the door due to all the bad possibilities clouding my thoughts.

I found her laying on the cold tiles but what frightened me was the spot of red blood close to the sink.

She looked pale and I didn't waste any more time in going over to her.

"Rahma." I gently called out her name while hoping to hear a response from her.
But yet again nothing.

Deciding that taking her to the hospital seemed right at the moment, I quickly took her in my arms and rushed downstairs while having a firm grip around her body.

Once we were outside, I opened the back sit and secured her fragile body on the seats.

I drove really fast to the hospital because her breathing was shallow, it was like her life was on a thin thread at the moment and I don't want to lose her cause we all just found her and she means way too much to me and God I am going to fucking loose my mind if something happens to her.

It took me twenty minutes to drive to the nearest hospital and on arrival I quickly took her in and she was rushed into the emergency ward for treatment.

The hospital I brought her to belongs to our granddad and they take anything that has to do with the family's health very serious.

Some nurses came to my aid and put her on a troller as they rushed her into the emergency ward.

I stood outside the emergency room pacing back and forth which wasn't really helping me to relieve the anxiousness or fear I felt at the moment, I thought about calling my mom or rahma's mother to inform them about the situation but something was stopping me, maybe I just wanted to hear the news first before I tell them anything, and I just hope it'll be a relieving news from the doctor.

After an hour of treatment, the light to the emergency ward turned off and a female doctor came out of the ward.

I was very much familiar with most faces around here and I immediately recognized the female doctor as Mrs habeebah, the woman who has treated my mom a few times.

"How's her health Doctor?" I asked as she approached me.

"She's fine for now." She said calmly.

"What do you mean she's fine for now?" I asked not bothering to hide how anxious or scared I felt.

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