it can't be

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(Rahma's pov)

I looked behind the woman to find a very confused looking Ibrahim

Well I guess he also has no idea on what is going on.

"Um, Ummi, are you alright?"
Ibrahim asked the exact question I wanted to ask.

"Rahma you need to come with us, we have to clarify something immediately." The woman who I still have no clue on what her name is said.

As if reading my thoughts

"My name is Zainab" she said
"And I know this sounds really weird and confusing but there is someone I'll want you to meet."

"She's not going anywhere, she needs to rest so we'll be heading back home" Asif said.

"No, you don't understand, if my assumption is right then this could change so much." Zainab said

And I'm still confused and lost.

"What are you trying to say mom?" Ibrahim asked while still looking confused.

"I'm sorry mam, but we can't just follow you when one, we're just meeting for the first time, two we don't even know where you want to take us." Asif said while trying to make his reasons clear.

"I know we are just meeting for the first time and by Allah I have no other intentions for you all if not good, and right now I can't clarify anything that's why I need you all to come with me." Zainab said with pleading eyes.

After some minutes of contemplation I finally made up my mind.

"Okay we'll come with you." I said in a tone of finality.

Asif threw me a look of disbelief while relief washed over Zainab's features.

I know the decision I just made is impulsive and reckless but considering the fact that she's Ibrahim's mother and she literally cried while begging us to follow her, I don't think it'll be such a bad idea to go with her.

"Thank you." She said while I just nodded in response.

"I and my son will drive in his car while the two of you can follow after us." She said and Asif hesitantly agreed.

I finally settled on the passenger seat as Asif drove us out of the zoo.
We followed after Ibrahim's car and after what seemed like an hour driving, we finally came to a stop in front of what seemed like a mini mansion.

The mansion was big and beautiful, having elegant exterior designs and a very decent looking garden with fresh flowers.

One could easily guess that Ibrahim's family is an extended one, by looking at the building.

I came out of the car and a wave of anxiety and nostalgia hit me and I was suddenly having second thoughts about coming here.

It feels like something big is about to happen but I just hope it'll be something I can handle cause I'm already exhausted enough.

I looked over to Zainab as she guided us through the garden and into the house.

I couldn't help but to murmur some sublications under my breath as the feeling of anxiety once again washed over me.

We arrived at the living room and I took a moment to admire the beauty of the furnitures placed at the middle of the room.

There, sat an old looking man who looked around his late fifty, he was sipping what looked to be tea from the cup he held oh so elegantly.

"As'salamualaikum Abbi." Zainab greeted him with so much respect laced in her voice.

Once the man noticed our presence he greeted his daughter back while looking over to me and Asif.

"As'salamualaikum sir." I greeted the man in a formal way and Asif followed my lead.

But to my surprise the man didn't respond instead he kept looking at me and slowly stood up from his comfort couch.

He slowly approached me while I stayed rooted on my spot not being able to move a single inch.

Once he stood close to me, I could see tears welling up in his eyes, then he said.

"She can't be the one." He said in a heartbroken voice.

Okay, so somebody care to explain why this people are being very emotional today?.

"I think so Abbi." Zainab replied and just the I heard footsteps coming our way from behind me and when it stopped I heard a voice that I was far too familiar with.

"Zainab you're back already." She said and that when my heart started pounding so hard.

That voice, gosh it can't be, that voice sounds so much like the voice I hear everyday in my dreams, the voice of the woman whom I always wished was there to embrace me, there to hold me and comfort me and although it's been years I could easily identify my mother's voice when I heard it and right now it sounded so much like her voice.

Slowly but steadily I turned around to face the woman, silently hoping that I was right and that it's truly who I think it is but also scared to be disappointed.

Once I turned around my breath hitched in my throat, I couldn't believe my eyes, there's no doubt that she has aged over the years but she still looks the same, beautiful and graceful as always.

My mom, there she was stood frozen on the sot when we locked eyes.

And although she's one beautiful white Muslim woman there's still a lot of similarities between us.

Did she also recognize me?, Or has she forgotten me?, If she has been alive and alright all these years then why didn't she come for me?

And it's at this point I knew I was about to break down, I don't know if it's because I've finally seen the woman who birthed me after so many years or if it's because she never looked for me all those years.

I couldn't hold back my tears, so I let them flow
What now?, Am I supposed to just run back into her arms?, Embrace her and forgive her for leaving alone for so long?, Move on easily?, And have a happy ending with her?

No!, It doesn't work like that for me.
All I want right now is answers and reasons as to why she never looked for me, and what really happened to my dad

"Rahma." She whispered my name in a broken voice and soon she was running towards me while embracing me in a very tight hug.

And that's when I heard it, she was crying, it's a heart reaching sound to hear and as much as I wanted to hug her back and console her, tell her that I'm back and I'll be here with her forever, the hurt I felt just didn't let me do so.

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