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Hey everyone, hope you're doing great if you aren't then eat food, go to sleep and pray to God.

But I really hope you're all doing well.
I'm so excited to let you all know that you can find Life of A Muslim black Melanin on inkitt and webnovel.

I'm publishing there also and hope you'll tell your friends and family about this book to show your support.

And once again I want to say a very big thank you to those who are still reading this book till date, I love you all.

So what do you think about the book so far?
If you only have rude comments on the book please don't bother posting your comments cause who knows I might pray for you.

Well if you're Nigerian you'll get that it's a threat.

Just joking but really no rude comments.

Do you all think Rahma will survive this one?
And who else misses Asif?, I know I do.
Do you think Rahma's illness will affect her relationship with Asif?
And will Asad really change his views about rahma?.

Well who knows.
See you in the next chapter.

LIFE OF A MUSLIM BLACK MELANIN Where stories live. Discover now