His bleeding knuckles.

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(Rahma's pov)

Realizing that I've been staring at the direction that the new black guy just walked through, I quickly averted my gaze and soon I found myself blushing.

Gosh I was just openly eye raping him and also drooling over him, and I don't do stuffs like that.

I realized that lunch break will soon be over so I made my way towards the cafeteria just to look for Asif and Victoria again.

This time when I entered I saw them seated and waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Victoria asked in an annoyed tone.

I looked over to Asif to see him giving me the same questioning look.

What I'm I suppose to say?, That I was looking around for the both of them and I forgot what I was doing once I saw a very hot black guy walk through the hallways?.

Nope I'm not saying any of that.
Instead I replied by saying.

"I went to the ladies room." Victoria Gave me the not so convinced look but she didn't push the topic further.

We had some small talk in between lunch and after that we all had to part ways and go to our various classes.

I walked into Mathematics class and soon everyone came in and settled down for the subject.

Half way through the period a girl raised her hands indicating that she wanted to ask a question.

"Yes, Nelly." Our Mathematics teacher called out to her, motioning for her to ask her question.

"This class is really boring." She said in an annoyed tone.

Oh well I didn't care about how rude she just sounded instead I was hoping to watch a very interesting drama unfold.

Though the mathematics teacher, Mr John looked a little bit furious by her question, he asked her in a calm voice.

"What makes you think that?"

At this point everyone's attention was on Nelly and Mr John.

"I don't know, maybe because it's very irritating to stay and watch a man that's really short and has a big pot belly saying some words without making his class fun."  Nelly boldly answered.

"Ooooooo." Most people in class said.

At this point Mr John looked really furious and was about to say something when a Guy about my height said.

"Maybe if you'll stop acting like a bitch and actually focus, then your empty brain will be able to pick up what's happening in class."

Ouch, that must really hurt cause the girl named Nelly looked like she was about to explode like a volcano.

"Says the guy who goes around Fucking random chicks because he can't control his hormones for a day." Nelly said.

"What?, Are you jealous that you're too thin to be fucked!?"

Oh no, that must have been a heavy slap to her face.

LIFE OF A MUSLIM BLACK MELANIN Where stories live. Discover now