04 - she has a boyfriend

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The bustling bar was alive with the joyous chatter of the BAU team as they celebrated their latest victory

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The bustling bar was alive with the joyous chatter of the BAU team as they celebrated their latest victory. Glasses clinked, laughter echoed, and the atmosphere exuded a sense of triumph and relief. They had just closed another harrowing case, and the weight of their success lifted momentarily from their shoulders.

The team settled into a cozy corner booth, basking in the warmth of camaraderie. Garcia, always a bright light, shot Spencer a look, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Reid, I couldn't help but notice the little glances you shared with one Dr. Brooks this case, when are you asking her out?" She asked in a sing-song voice.

The team responded with ooh's and aah's, teasing him like middle school kids do to their friends. Spencer's cheeks flushed slightly at the attention, his modesty evident in his sheepish smile. His mind, however, was preoccupied with a girl who he had just messaged 30 minutes prior.

He had texted Lilith, asking her if he would be able to take her out for dinner the next night, not wanting to waste time.

He had gotten a message from him as soon as they scheduled a time and place saying "By the way, just let me know if you need to move things because of a case, I don't want you to feel bad about it! I saw already how difficult your schedule must be and I don't want you to stress. That's why I picked a restaurant you don't need a reservation for".

As the words showed up on his screen, Spencer couldn't help but be struck by her understanding and consideration. It was a small gesture, reassuring him that their date was flexible if a case were to arise, but it spoke volumes about her character. Her ability to anticipate his concerns and address them before he even had the chance to voice them was a quality that deeply resonated with him.

Throughout his life, Spencer had often found himself surrounded by people who struggled to comprehend the demands and unpredictability of his work. Many had grown frustrated or distant when his duty to the FBI took precedence over personal plans. It left him with some feelings of isolation and misunderstanding, fueling his perception that a romantic relationship would be an impractical and elusive pursuit.

However, Lilith's understanding nature shattered those preconceived notions. She didn't see his dedication to his job as a burden, but rather as an integral part of who he was. Her words implicitly acknowledged the importance of his work while also offering him the flexibility to prioritize it when necessary. It was a refreshing perspective that sparked a sense of hope within him.

Furthermore, Lilith's ability to anticipate his concerns spoke volumes about her perceptiveness and empathy. She had already begun to observe and understand him on a deeper level, exhibiting a genuine interest in his well-being. Her thoughtful gesture suggested that she was willing to adapt and support him in his endeavors, fostering a connection based on mutual respect and understanding.

Spencer had always been attracted to intelligence, and Lilith's ability to grasp the complexities of his work and navigate the intricacies of their potential relationship only heightened his interest. He admired her depth of knowledge as a historian and appreciated the intellectual stimulation she provided. Their conversations were filled with intellectual banter and shared curiosity, creating a unique bond built on shared interests and a mutual desire for growth.

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